Songgang kasa: a shijo poet at the court of King Sonjo​ by Chong Ch΄ol - HTML preview

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Hunmin ka (Instructing the People)


Hunmin ka is a series of sixteen didactic shijo written by Chong Ch'ol when he was governor of Kangwon Province.


Father's Honour; Mother's Affection

My father gave me birth,

my mother sustenance.

Without father and mother, would I have life?

How can I

repay a favor that is boundless as Heaven?


King and Subject

The relationship between king and people

is the same as that between heaven and earth.

Since the king would feign know our plight,

how can we,

the people, eat the succulent parsley by ourselves.


Respect between Brothers

Big brother, little brother,

touch each other's flesh.

Who gave you birth? You are so alike.

Suckled at

the same breast, don't harbour divided hearts.


Filial Piety

While your parents are alive,

do all that filial piety requires.

It's too late for regret when they go.

Filial piety

is one service you can't then provide, though you try

for the rest of your life.


Grace between Spouses

Husband and wife

are one body in two,

meant to grow old together, to go in death together.

Why, then,

does that doting old fool glare at me so?


Distinction between the Sexes

A man turns aside from the road

a woman walks;

and a woman turns aside from the road a man walks.

So ask not

the name of one who is neither husband nor wife.


Educating Children

Your son is reading the Book of Filial Piety;

how much has he learned?

In a few days my son will finish the Book of Rites. When our children

complete these books, will they attain wisdom?


Etiquette among Villagers

The kat is the traditional Korean horsehair hat;

the cowl is the monk's cowl.

Village people,

let's do what is right.

A man born into this world who doesn't do what is right

is like

a horse or a cow being fed with a kat and cowl on its head?


Order between Old and Young

If an elder takes you by the wrist,

offer both hands to help him to his feet.

If he has to go out, follow him with a walking stick.

After the village festival

make sure he gets safely home.


Trust between Friends

In the world of men is there anything

more trustworthy than a friend?

A friend points out all my faults.

Without such friends,

would I be a complete man?


Family Support in Poverty and Calamity

Ah, nephew! Nothing to eat;

what will you do?

Ah, poor man! Nothing to wear; what will you do? Speak up about

things that are amiss! I want to take care of you.


Mutual Help in Marriage and Death

How are you managing

the bereavements in your house?

When will you get your daughter a husband?

I don't have

much myself, but I'd like to help.


Farm the Land and Cultivate Silkworms Assiduously

It's full daylight now;

let's take our hoes and go.

When I finish my fields, I'll help you weed yours.

On the way back

we'll pick mulberry leaves and feed the silkworms.


Do Not Steal

Though you go without clothes yourself,

don't filch the clothes of another.

Though you go without food yourself, don't beg the food of another.

Stained once

it's hard to get washed clean again.


No Gambling: No Litigation

Don't play dice or chess;

don't write litigation writs.

If your family is ruined, what will you do? You could become someone's enemy?

Don't you know

it's the nation makes the laws and decides what's right and wrong.


Don't Let an Old-timer Carry a Burden on the Road

Old-timer, burdened head and back,

give me your load.

I'm young; not even stones are heavy.

It's bad enough

to be old without bearing extra baggage.