Staggering in Blue by J.D. Knight - HTML preview

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Lollipop, lollipop (singing)


She licks a lollipop

It is red and glistening

And has painted her lips

Into the sticky grin of a transient.


Lollipop, lollipop


Mickey is following her

With his eyes for a reason

He simply cannot place.

The giggle of her voice

Vibrates down to the base

Of his spine, primal, alive.


Lollipop, lollipop


She catches his eye and tenses

Like a startled doe.  Her eyes

Widen and all of Mickey’s

Expression is swallowed in her gulp.




Later she will lie on her bed

And try to wring the stain

Of his face from her mind

And Mickey will lie on his bed

And pray to the lollipop Gods




And laugh with a voice

That grinds violently with that

Of the little girl;

then they will conjure

Each other, each in an

Attempt to control the

Trembling terrors of the world