Stones Before The Ocean | A Worship Poetry Anthology by Various - Edited by Daniel Paul Gilbert - HTML preview

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Awe - Daniel Paul Gilbert


Every word we could ever write

is a dull light before Your entirety, 

and every thought we could ever form

will become less than a blink in Your eternity.

You are more than alpha and omega

outside of what we distinguish as beginning and end

You are holier than our perceptions of holy

eclipsing our values, Your purity transcends.

You are brighter than our definitions of glorious

Your beauty burns brighter than the sun

The abundance of Your splendour would blind us

To fully gaze upon it would render us undone.

And You exceed our expectation of incarnation

The enfleshment of immensity that reaches

With arms spread open wide

Out to the furthest niches.


You are Inexpressible


You are 'I am that I am'


And we are just stones before Your ocean

who will never wholly understand.                          

And yet…

You invite us to explore You, 

To know You through the limitations of our humanity

You allow us into Your presence

As if we could even stand it's completeness.

And You cover our frailty with your love,

You smother our weakness with your strength

You accept us as we are

Not as a pitying deity,

but with the heart of a father.