Stones Before The Ocean | A Worship Poetry Anthology by Various - Edited by Daniel Paul Gilbert - HTML preview

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Everview - Mackenzie Dwyer

(Inspired by the Ancient Hebrew Conception of the Universe)


Just your touch would yield the most distant glimpse:

you read letters dotted Braille in the stars,

vast dimensions curled in your fingerprints.


You said the sky’s night spread ever so far,

an ink wall ‘round Earth that most dared not see.

You read letters dotted Braille in the stars


and looked at starlight-chinks as holes for keys

to the fence of heaven you know shines through

an ink wall ‘round Earth that most dare not see.


Not my face but the moon’s was your last view

each eve as sleep sank and your dreams travelled

to the fence of heaven you know shines through.


At your feet have tight secrets unravelled.

Vast dimensions curled in your fingerprints

show space’s stage with a pull of Earth’s tassel,

for just your touch yields a most distant glimpse.