Stones Before The Ocean | A Worship Poetry Anthology by Various - Edited by Daniel Paul Gilbert - HTML preview

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How deeply blessed that I should be - Marybeth Mitcham


How deeply blessed that I should be

Receiving of His grace

Through blood spilled forth on Calvary

As Jesus took my place

My sin, oh the shame to know

That I helped put Him there

And yet He chose to die for me

My burden, gladly bear


The whips which scourged His battered frame

Each blow was meant for me

The mocking words of scorners

For they refused to see

The heavy blows which nailed Him to

The cross on which He died

The pouring out of selfless love

For thieves on either side


Forgiveness that he asked for those

Who knew not what they did

His friends who left Him all alone

As in their fear, they hid

The crown of thorns so cruelly shoved

Upon his bloodied head

The burden of the heavy cross

To Golgotha, He was led


The taunting of the soldiers

As blinded, He was struck

“Prophesy who hit you,

Son of God,” they mocked

His mother, there before Him

To see her baby die

Not knowing that His sacrifice

Would save you and I


The anguished cry which was wrenched forth

As God turned His face away

The Son hung on that cross alone

Once pure, the Lamb now stain’d

Broken heart, the price He paid

Forsaken and forlorn

The crushing weight of all our sins

Its torment freely borne


“It is finished,” was His final cry

As on the cross He died

The Lamb of God who took our place

The final sacrifice


And then, cacophony of sound

As nature mourned His loss

The crashing noise of thunder

And ‘quakes as land was toss’d

The darkness as the sun was hid

As howling winds did roar

The temple veil was torn in two

The barrier is no more


In grief, His loved ones mourned His loss

They did not comprehend

That on the third day after death

The Son would rise again

In glorious and triumphant strength

The keys of Hell He claimed

Death no longer has the pow’r

It will not be regained


And now He sits at God’s right hand

His blood a veil for me

As God the Father looks at my soul

The blood alone He sees


The sacrifice upon the cross

The shame of mortal form

This love is overwhelming

My sins, my Savior bore