Stones Before The Ocean | A Worship Poetry Anthology by Various - Edited by Daniel Paul Gilbert - HTML preview

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A Poem that Struck a Nerve - Brian D. McLaren


"Please de-baptize me," she said.

The priest's face crumpled.

"My parents tell me you did it," she said. 

"But I was not consulted. So

Now, undo it."

The priest's eyes asked why.

"If it were just about belonging to

This religion and being forgiven,

Then I would stay. If it were just

About believing 

This list of doctrines and upholding

This list of rituals, 

I'd be OK. But

Your sermon Sunday made 

It clear it's

About more. More

Than I bargained for. So, please,

De-baptize me."

The priest looked down, said

Nothing. She continued:

"You said baptism sends

Me into the

World to

Love enemies. I don't. Nor

Do I plan to. You said it means

Being willing to stand 

Against the flow. I like the flow. 

You described it like rethinking

Everything, like joining a 

Movement. But

I'm not rethinking or moving anywhere.

So un-baptize me. Please."

The priest began to weep. Soon

Great sobs rose from his deepest heart.

He took off his glasses, blew his nose, took

Three tissues to dry his eyes.

"These are tears of joy," he said.

"I think you 

Are the first person who ever 

Truly listened or understood."

"So," she said,

"Will you? Please?"