Stones Before The Ocean | A Worship Poetry Anthology by Various - Edited by Daniel Paul Gilbert - HTML preview

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God Be My Vision - Gaelic 8th Century

Adapted by Daniel Paul Gilbert


God by my vision be the king of my heart,

nothing else counts to me save that You Are.

You are my best thought by day and by night,

waking or sleeping your presence my light.


God be my wisdom and be my true word,

forever with you and you with me Lord.

You’re my Great Father and I’m your true son,

you dwell within me and with you I’m one.


God be my battle shield, sword for the fight,

Lord be my dignity and my delight.

You’re my soul’s shelter and you’re my high tower,

raising me heavenward O power of my power.


Riches I need not nor man’s empty praise,

You’re my inheritance now and always.

You and You only are first in my heart,

High king of heaven, my treasure you are.


High king of heaven my victory is won,

may I reach heavens joy, bright heavens sun.

Heart of my own heart whatever may fall,

still be my vision O ruler of all.