Stones Before The Ocean | A Worship Poetry Anthology by Various - Edited by Daniel Paul Gilbert - HTML preview

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Joseph Addison 1672-1719 was an English poet, playwright and politician and founder of The Spectator magazine.


Anna Angell lives in rural North Wales with her husband and two young children.  She writes poems, songs, sketches and stories - fitted in around all the other stuff!  You can find more of her work at or listen on


John Bannister Tabb 1845-1909 was a Roman catholic Priest, professor and poet.


Richard Baxter 1615-1691 was a Puritan Church leader, hymn writer and poet.


Mirjam Epie Bide is from Berlin, Germany, a lawyer by profession. She started writing unexpectedly for herself and publishes through her blog:


Jacques Boulet was raised on a farm in northern Alberta, Canada. He is married to Paige and has two daughters. He discovered the joy of writing poetry in the midst of depression, but has continued to write about various topics.


Fran Brady mainly writes novels and short stories. She has been a committed Christian for almost thirty years. She lives in a village in West Lothian with her husband, John. They have three daughters, one son, seven grandchildren - and an old dog.


William Blake 1757-1827 was an English poet and artist. He was known for his visionary art and poetry which inspired musicians and artists since.


Jane Blanchard lives and writes in Georgia.  Her poetry has appeared in many venues in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Austria, India, and Australia.    Her first collection, Unloosed, is available from White Violet Press of Kelsay Books.


Robert Bridges 1844-1930 was Poet Laureate in Britain between 1913 and 1930. He also wrote and translated a number of hymns.


Anne Bronte 1820-1849 was a novelist and poet and the youngest of the famous Bronte sisters.


Emily Bronte 1818-1848 was an English novelist and poet. She is best known for her novel Wuthering Heights.


Sir Thomas Browne 1605-1682 was an English author and a scholar of science, medicine and religion.


Richard Chenevix Trench 1807-1886 was an Anglican archbishop and a poet who wrote many books and whose work was incorporated into hymns.


Gilbert Keith Chesterton 1874-1936 was an English poet, writer and philosopher. He wrote fiction and nonfiction and books on theology and apologetics.


Sally Clark has had poetry published in numerous literary journals, magazines, and anthologies and recently, one of her poems received recognition in American Poetry Review and PoetryMagazine.


Mary Coleridge 1861-1907 was a British novelist and poet. She was also the great-grandniece of poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge.


Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1772-1834 was an English poet and founder of the Romantic Movement. He is best known for his poems The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Kubla Khan.


Fanny Crosby 1820-1915 was an American mission worker, poet and composer. She wrote over 8000 hymns during her life despite being blind from birth.


John Danyel 1564-1626 was an English songwriter and Lute player and author of Songs for Lute, Viol and Voice.


Shirley Jean Davis was born in Mattoon Illinois and currently work as a writer and motivational speaker using my talents to help people who have suffered trauma in their lives.


Sheila Donald has written poetry since she was a teenager . She has written a book and writes regular articles for a number of different publications but poetry was always her first writing form.


John Donne 1573-1631 was an English poet and Church of England cleric who wrote poems about love, religion and death. The Flea is one of his most famous poems.


Emily Dickinson 1830-1886 was an American poet who had several volumes of poetry published.


Mackenzie Dwyer has known a longing to make a mark on literature since she could read. Her work has garnered numerous shortlist mentions as well as recognition from the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards and publication in several poetry journals.


John Charles Earle 1849-1903 was an English lawyer, a poet and hymnologist.


Charles C Finn is a writer and also works as a professional counsellor.  He has been married to Penny for 36 years and they are the parents of two children adopted from Korea and Hong Kong who are now adults. Charlie glories in thunderstorms, flowers and everyday miracles.


St Francis of Assisi 1181-1226 was a Friar and preacher and founder of the Franciscan Orders.


Khalil Gibran 1883-1931 was a Lebanese American poet, artist and writer best known for his book The Prophet.


Daniel Paul Gilbert is an NHS administrator who lives in Coventry with his wife Rachel. In his spare time he enjoys writing, playing music and sometimes combining the two. He has also independently published a number of poetry books. You can find out more about his work at


Robert Grayson lives and works in Oxford, is part of Emmanuel Church Oxford and has been apprehended by the Triune God.


John Greenleaf Whittier 1807-1892 was an American poet and a Quaker who was also known for his writings against slavery.


Ethan Hardin of Boone, NC is a student of God's Word and a lover of the outdoors, endlessly inspired in seeing His ways modelled by His creation. He has also put some of his poems to music available at


Daniel J Harris is the owner/host of an “All Styles from All over the World” music podcast called The SoupyGato Show.


Edwin Hatch 1835-1889 was an English theologian and scholar and is best known for his academic work but he also wrote some hymns.


Felicia Dorothea Hemans 1793-1835 was an English poet who wrote both secular and sacred works.


George Herbert 1593-1633 was a Welsh poet and priest and known as being one of Britain’s foremost lyricists.


Robert Herrick 1591-1674 was an English poet and cleric best known for his book Hesperides.


Justin Hoste and his family are international Christian workers in Buenos Aires, Argentina working with local communities who would never step foot in a church. Justin loves literature and poetry and says that it provides a unique platform to talk about all that is important to us as human beings.


Sam Isaacson is a husband and dad and is on the leadership team of his local church in West London He uses his free time to watch American football, listen to podcasts about table top roleplaying games, write poetry and dream about the life coaching business he owns.


Catherine Jarvis was born in Cambridge Massachusetts, but raised in Tucson Arizona. She loves all the Arts and her love of poetry came when she started writing age 11 years old. She has been a redeemed Christian for ten years.


Cynthia Jean has been writing off and on since 1970.  She is passionate about her God.  Most days she can be found in her garden tending to her perennial flower beds spring through fall.  She enjoys nature and walking, and is an avid reader.  She resides in Michigan and has three grown children.


Vanessa Johnston is a single mom of three still learning to trust Jesus for everything.


St John of the Cross 1542-1591 was a poet and reformer known best for his writings on the soul.


St. John of Damascus 675-749 was a father of the Eastern Orthodox Church and a writer who contributed to areas of law, theology and music.


Naomi Jurczak works as an Educator, inspiring young people to understand politics and encouraging them to take ownership of their democracy. She loves being outside and feels most spiritual when amongst nature. She feels passionately about the homeless, those with mental health illnesses and the environment. She always carries a moleskine around and finds writing an entirely cathartic process.


Thomas Ken 1637-1711 was an English cleric and considered one of the fathers of hymnology.


Gracie Knoll loves to write poetry, especially worship poetry and is a member of the Hello Poetry community.


Nancy Julien Kopp of Manhattan, KS, is published in many anthologies, newspapers and magazines.  She is also an award-winning children’s writer. Her blog contains tips and encouragement for writers.


Briana B. Lamberson is a wife and a mum. Prior to marriage, she dreamed of becoming a published writer, and has received a Bachelor of Arts in English and Creative Writing. Her spiritual journey beckoned her from nondenominational believer in Christ to seeking His face in the Messianic Hebraic roots of her faith.


Sidney Lanier 1842-1881 was an American, poet and musician who eventually became a university professor.


D H Lawrence 1885-1930 was an English novelist and poet best known for his novel Lady Chatterley's Lover.


Samuel Longfellow 1819-1892 was an American hymn writer and pastor.


Henry Francis Lyte 1793-1847 was an Anglican hymn writer and poet. Some of his poems have become some of the world’s most well-known hymns.


George MacDonald 1824-1905 was a Scottish author, poet and minister. He was also a pioneering figure within the area of fantasy literature and influenced many writers.


Dorinda MacDowell 72 years old, happily married and blessed with two wonderful daughters and two equally wonderful grandsons.


Marion MacGregor White is a Christian writer and broadcaster. She is a Gaelic speaker from the Isle of Skye in Scotland.


Digby Mackworth Dolben 1848-1867 was an English poet. He had just one book of poetry published after his death aged 19.


Stephanie Malley is a stay-at-home mother of four daughters who enjoys writing poetry for children and adults.


Anudeep Manne is from South India. He is a Christian protestant and a Doctor of Pharmacy graduate and loves reading books


Linda Maxwell is a Catholic convert who has published work in Eastern Kentucky University’s Chaffin Journal¬, UNLV’s Wordriver, The Catholic Digest, Poetry as Prayer, Southern Women’s Review and The Litchfield Review.  She currently resides in Georgetown, South Carolina.  


John Mason 1646-1694 was a priest, poet and hymn writer from Northamptonshire.


Brian D. McLaren is an author, speaker, activist, and public theologian. A former college English teacher and pastor, he is an ecumenical global networker among innovative Christian leaders. You can find out more at


Carol Dee Meeks has been an Oklahoma senior poet laureate and New Mexico senior poet laureate. She has also been published in a variety of poetry magazines.


Doreen Mellor resides in the UK and Doreen is a very keen photographer based in the UK.


James Mellor lives in Surrey with his wife Doreen where they are part of Coign Church.


Marybeth Mitcham holds her MPH and works as a nutrition and healthy living educator, a freelance writer, and doctoral student. In her spare time, loves to hike and rock climb with her family, ride her motorcycle, or hover by the woodstove.


Alice Meynell 1847-1922 was an English poet and writer who was also part of the Suffragette movement.


Andrea Mill lives in Edinburgh and attends Bristo Baptist Church. She is a psychotherapist part-time as well as being the carer for her 2 grandson. She is married to Robert has a son and a daughter.


Linna Monteath lives in Buchlyvie, near Stirling, Scotland. A retired English teacher who is very interested in the natural world, she is also a member of a Christian Writers’ Group in Linlithgow.


Jaco Mostert enjoys reading, writing and playing guitar. He was a Newspaper Journalist for eight years, and a teacher for four years teaching Journalism, Media Law, Political Science and English. His favourite subject however still remains his personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


John Newton 1725-1807 was famously the captain of a slave ship but later became an Anglican priest and a prominent Abolitionist as well as a writer and hymnist.


Cindy Norton currently lives in Iowa in the United States, is happily married to a Godly man and blessed with 1 daughter, 4 stepsons, 2 grandchildren and two dogs.  Her main focus in life is growing in Christ while writing what He places on her heart


Steve Page is from London and worships at Redeemer Church London. He is an investigator by day job and a poet 24 hours a day.


Helen L Parmelee 1821-1865 was an American poet. Her book Poems, religious and miscellaneous was published after her death.


Joseph Mary Plunkett 1887-1916 was an Irish poet and journalist and a leader of the 1916 Easter Rising in Ireland.


Alexander Pope 1688-1744 was an English poet known for his satirical verse and his translations of The Odyssey and Iliad by Homer.


MK Punky is a best-selling author of many books and poet laureate of Vista Street Community Library and a commended poet of the 2016 Stratford-upon-Avon Literary Festival's creative writing competition.


Steven Quantick lives in Cardiff with his wife and is a regular member of the musical worship team at City Church. He loves writing scripts and music as well as poetry. Basically if it's creative he loves doing it.


William Rees 1859-1936 was a Welsh writer and priest who wrote 2 books and also collaborated on hymns.


Pam Robinson works as a Community Development Manager in her local Church of England church, is a wife and carer to her husband of 26 years, mum to her daughter and nana to her two boys, and mum and carer to her adult son.


Robert Robinson 1726-1791 was a pastor and hymn writer as well an influential Baptist scholar.


Marisa Rosie is a full time Christian worker with YWAM as well as a Christian writer and creative writing tutor. She has published a children's book called Marigold, the Journey Home and a kindle book of short stories called Encounters With Love.


Chloe Ross has struggled with mental health problems but has learnt that our God is present and is good and this is not dependent on how we feel or the events in our life. She affirms that He is faithful and will bring us through.


Christina Rossetti 1830-1894 was an English poet who wrote romantic, devotional and Children’s poetry.


David Russell resides in the USA and has been a Messianic believer much of his life. He enjoys blogging, writing fiction, playing the card game Uno, and is prolific at the piano. His blog is titled

Grafted In And On The Journey.


Walter Scott 1771-1832 was a Scottish writer and poet best known for his Waverley Novels Series.


Kelsey Lynn Sivertson is a Holland, Michigan native with a passion for all things poetic and transparent. A receptionist, a cook, and a student, she is working on her Creative Writing degree at Hope College and hopes to one day publish a book of poetry and live in an old house with a large porch and a willow tree in the backyard.


Annie Smith 1828-1855 was an American Seventh day Adventist, poet and hymn writer.


Shirley Smothers is a poet who lives in Texas and who has been writing for about ten years. Her poems have been published online and in a variety of poetry journals.


Edmund Spenser 1552-1599 was an English poet best known for his epic poem The Fairie Queene.


Anne Steele 1717-1788 was a Baptist from Hampshire in England. She published 2 books of poetry and wrote hymns.


Andy Stinson is a priest, deacon, husband, father, poet and musician. He lives near Chester and works to help people find Jesus and to build the Kingdom of God.


Synesius of Cyrene 373-414 was a Greek bishop whose writings have since been converted into hymns.


St Teresa of Avila 1515-1582 was a Catholic reformer and writer. Her writings remain an important part of renaissance literature and Christian mysticism.


St Therese of Lisieux 1873-1897 was a Catholic nun also known as The Little Flower of Jesus. She has been influential because of her simple and practical approach to life.


Thomas Traherne 1636-1674 was an English poet, writer and theologian best known for his book of reflections, Centuries of Meditations.


Trevor Thorn is a blogger, a fundraiser, an armchair Scientist and a Lay Minister in the Church of England. You can see more of his work on his blog at


Elizabeth Trondsen is an artist, a writer, a teacher of young children, and a follower of Jesus since the age of seventeen. Her journey with Christ has been that of a sheep and her Shepherd, with seasons of staying near and seasons of wandering. I am thankful that He keeps wooing me with His Love, as a Bridegroom with His Bride, so that I keep running back to Him.


Alyssa Underwood - A wretch-made-heir who has no other ambition in life than to call the thirsty to come to the Fountain of Living Water.


Ludwig Van Beethoven 1770-1827 was a German composer and pianist and one of the world’s most notable composers.


Nelize van Driel is an expressive young South African soul interested in artistic, poetic, linguistic, verbal, aquarium, sporty and musical endeavours. She enjoys reflecting on nature, Christianity and working with her hands. She strives to find refuge spiritually in the Father, Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ and says “What better way is there than worshiping Him with the ink coming from my heart!”


Henry Vaughan 1621-1695 was a Welsh, physician, author and poet who wrote secular and sacred poetry.


Carmen VonTickner is a retired teacher from the California School for the Deaf, in Fremont, CA.


Mike Wahl is poet of opportunity, grabbing concepts and phrases from observations in his rural surroundings, and from the intrigues of family, politics, and religion.


Brendon Ward is a husband, father, and servant-in-training of the gospel in New Zealand having walked with Jesus (or rather, known Jesus to be walking with him) since his late teens.


Isaac Watts 1674-1748 was an English Christian Minister, theologian and hymn writer who wrote over 700 hymns.


Charles Wesley 1707-1788 was a leader of the Methodist movement in England and known for writing over 6000 hymns.


John Wesley 1703-1791 was a cleric, theologian and writer and a founder of the Methodist movement.


William Whiting 1825-1878 was an English writer who wrote two collections of poetry and a number of hymns.


Jeremy Williams is a blogger and freelance writer based in Luton, UK, specializing in social justice and environmental issues. His family are connected with a Baptist church in the town, and are very involved in planting out and leading smaller missional communities.


William Williams 1717-1791 was a hymn writer, poet and author and regarded as Wales’s most famous hymn writer.

Dave Wise is a blogger, a father, a Christ-follower, and a husband.  His blog is about mental health topics, recovery, and faith and life. He lives with my wife in St. Louis, Missouri in the United States. 


Lovely Ybanez is a poet and a member of the Hello Poetry website.


Tami Zacharias lives in Canada and works for the Christian charity Operation Mobilisation. She enjoys studying, kickboxing, TV crime shows, and conversations about feminism and tea.

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