Stones Before The Ocean | A Worship Poetry Anthology by Various - Edited by Daniel Paul Gilbert - HTML preview

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Worship - James Mellor


 Heaven is opened as angels applaud.

 Veil torn asunder for views of the Lord.

 How can it be that a sinner like me

 Should gaze on the things of eternity?

 Who's worthy of it all?


 Upon His breast I laid my head, this Son

 Whose shining face, like His created sun,

 Fells me, as dead, beside once pierced feet,

 That crushed Satan, enforcing his defeat.

 He's worthy of it all.                                       


 Who is this One that's like a Lamb once slain?

 Astonished angels tremble at the stain

 Of blood that means more than the world to me

 And ushers me into heav'ns majesty.

 He's worthy of it all.


 Strange creatures worship You, the King of Kings,

 While angels shield their faces with bright wings.

 The elders' crowns are thrown before Your throne

 Blessing and glory, thanks are Yours alone.'

 You're worthy of it all.


 From Ghana and Zimbabwe to Beijing

 Akan and Shona blend with Mandarin

 Their voices like so many waters roar

 Redeemed by blood they bow down and adore.

 You're worthy of it all.