Stones Before The Ocean | A Worship Poetry Anthology by Various - Edited by Daniel Paul Gilbert - HTML preview

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Recalled From the Brink - Jacques Boulet 


There I stood on the edge of the abyss, lost and helplessly alone. The darkness was thick, but not impenetrable; not like it is beyond the brink.


And though the place was vast and desolate, my thoughts and apprehensions pressed in from all sides to keep me company.


Indeed, I feared I might suffocate. Fear – how does one describe it? It was not only a stench, but also an awful taste which permeated the counterfeit air.


I could sense something in those shadows feeding on my fears, enjoying my pain. Though I fought it with all my being, I could feel the ground giving way beneath my feet, and every moment I sensed the abyss growing yet nearer than before.


Most terrifying, however, was the reflection in the mirror held to my soul, for the darkness had nearly taken hold.


And then a tremor ripped through my being as a whisper broke through the silence like thunder. Something had called my name.


In that moment fear and doubt left me, replaced by shame, and then, humbled, I fell to my knees.

What appeared to be torches held high became visible in the distance and I began to crawl away from the abyss, strengthened by something unseen.


Darkness gave way to thick fog, and now on my feet I walked clumsily, one uncertain step at a time.

When finally the fog receded and took the bitter cold of that place with it, it was clear I was no longer alone.


With that realization I shed the agony of a lonely soul and joined the friendly faces waiting to welcome me.


What I mistook for torches initially was the glow emanating from these happy souls, behind whom could be seen a large fire, evidently the Source.


Though not fully understanding, I felt my fears melt away and I let them lead me to the



Now, walking with more confidence, I approached and, though undeserving, was given a light of my own and was thus joined to the growing body around that central Light.


Such comfort was in that Presence and such joy was in that unity, that my doubt became confidence and my solitude was utterly forgotten. It was clear, however, that this was not the end. Indeed, far from it.


A new life was given me and, with it, new responsibilities. To simply walk would not be sufficient. I must learn to run. No, better yet, to fly.


I must be a light to those recalled from the brink.