Sundara Kanda: Hanuman's Odyssey by BS Murthy - HTML preview

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Canto 7

Palace in the Plane


To probe Ravan’s own chambers

Ventured Hanuman further down.


Armaments stacked in piles he found  

With rare conchs that give war cries.


With flaw none in cut or shine

Vessels he found with gems to brim.


What he saw in Ravan’s place

To his wonder he found parked

Aircar unique called Pushpak.


Stood out for its looks Pushpak

Seemed it was like made for gods.


Lodged in it were women of charm

Live wire like they moved in aisles.


In its splendour looked Pushpak

Like the moon on earth landed.


Insignia it had hills of gold

Bore they trees of flowers diamond.


Housed it mansions furrows-long

Lawns theirs had large swimming pools.


Seemed it as if on take-off

Sight that made him rub his eyes.


Carved were birds on huge corals

Made of gems were horse statues. 


Birds therein all seemed to him

Like the allies of Love God.


Goddess Lakshmi’s deity lay

On lotus red in blue waters

With elephants white on either side.


Swayed as it him no end then

Went he in thrall round Pushpak.


Overawed though he by Pushpak

Resumed his search soon Hanuman.


Having failed to trace Seetha

Seized was he with thus sorrow.