Sundara Kanda: Hanuman's Odyssey by BS Murthy - HTML preview

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Canto 11

Qualms of Celibate


Felt soon Hanuman that Seetha

Forsake would not her Lord Ram.


How could forlorn Seetha then

Would have had that happy look?


Could ever Seetha find a man

Who would out tempt her Rama?


In his search for Rama’s spouse

Went in Hanuman further down. 


To his surprise there he found

Many more in wait for Ravan.


After a bout of game of dice

Worn out there lay some on beds.


On their sexiness lasses

Indulged then in innuendos.


Some as cracked crude party jokes

Rest of them had heck of time.


Praised all each other’s wantonness

Bragged they all about ways of flesh.


Felt then Hanuman if at dawn

Should Ravan all lay them true

Makes him raging bull in pen.


Finds as he his mates on heat

Looks he no less king elephant.


Meant to succor their sex urge

Sweets varied were well laid there.


Found he there lay on platter

Meat of deer and boars deep-fried.


‘Use-me’ vessels of solid gold 

Brimming there with leftovers.


Beasts assorted were slaughtered

For the sumptuous meal they had.


Recipes all of fish he found

Flesh as well of birds roasted.


Plentiful lay food vegetarian  

Fresh that was and spicy too.


Besides silver jars of wine

Desserts were there in gold plates.


On the cots that lined furlongs

Spread were jasmines one foot deep.  


Corals those that filled the floors

Seemed they all like burning coals.


Aroma of the food there lay

All the more them made hungry. 


Served were juices of fresh fruits

Spirits they raised in there gathered.


Mean it was no that quarter

Than those chambers of Ravan. 


Entered storeroom as Hanuman 

Found he racks and racks of gold.


Saw he wine in vats of gold

Studded which all with rare gems.

Vats of silver there he found

With half full of wine still left.


Lay there mounds of food so fresh

Feed which could scores hungry souls.


Found be broken goblets there

Stamped by maidens in their haste.


Stepped he out of that quarter

Straight into that banquet hall 

Lesbians full in their couplings.


In their pairs they shared blankets

Which in turns they pulled on each.


Breath of some made own pallus

Ripple like reeds in windy climes.


Aroma from their breath then matched  

With those dregs of wine they left.


Sea breeze that was so profuse

Scent theirs took to all corners.


In that banquet hall were found

Beauties black ‘n blonds as well.


Worn out as by excess sex 

Looked some then like shrunken bees.


Women of allure though they were 

None had charms of Rama’s spouse.


Celibate that he was Hanuman

Developed thus he qualms of own

If the sight was right for him!


Doubts came thick and fast to him

Turned if he then peeping Tom.


Blamed he Ravan for his plight

Act whose brought him to that pass.


Single minded that Hanuman

Aside he set his doubts in time.


For he had no covetous look

Women all failed to excite him.


Felt he nice that his own mind

Helped his celibate intent then.


What else could he do to find

Seetha than to scan fair sex.


Would one expect to find her

Amidst a flock of deer on run.


With no stone as left unturned

Alas, Seetha he couldn’t find.


Lovely women all he found there

But not Seetha his Lord’s spouse.


Looked he then back at Pushpak

Searched he which from tip to toe.


Not the one to leave mid-course

Pursued Hanuman Seetha’s search.