Sunset, Sunrise, Sunset: Soon a New Day Will Dawn by Cleo Patra - HTML preview

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Memories of you and me tumbled for free

inside me

We met over Google

without a doodle 


We talked through glass

Sun was shining on our grass

We swam in our words

Music played without chords

We flew through the universe

Slowly a dark green curse reached out


We danced with the stars

Rode in our sky cars

Our minds climbed one mountain

Our wings were thin

Both of our hands were in the sea

You didn’t drink tea


Lights shined around us

Our hearts poured gas

Signs wrote in our eyes

There was already a heist

Vampires graved our blood

Musical raindrops made a grave mud

Green night embraced your heart

You painted bloody art


Music screamed disguised

A mocking nightingale was chastised

Heartbreak-war filled our red wine



My sun-black words stopped running

Your cloud-eyes were burning

Printer words pleaded with me

My heart decided to flee

Soundlessly I screamed

Get me out of here

Wanted to go to a crystal sphere


Secrets were a mocking bird

Flew with voices unheard

Sea-horses reached for me with fire tongues

Spiced-rainbow drops touch a night sky song


I stood alone

Can’t get a mountain loan

Would I ever dance in the bicycle-rain
