Sunset, Sunrise, Sunset: Soon a New Day Will Dawn by Cleo Patra - HTML preview

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Looking through past eyes

Wondered why I walk hand in hand with glass

innocent love

Your mouth was full of honey-words dripped into my

tropical-heart to make me believe you were real


Your devil’s eyes stared at my bosom like a

demon waiting to conquer my innocent body

The first time when our lips met, your tongue

tangoed with my teeth like a green fungus


We went to my secret place

Your gentle devil’s voice came through my

mind’s mist

You asked me if we could be one


Oh, what a fool was I

Your body was warm like an artificial

love song

We were never one


Your mind was a spy

Sneaking into every crack of my

love-spoiled mind

You chose your words oh, so smooth


Played just the right cards before me

Someday, somewhere it will be your last smooth card

Your tears will flow like rain through your finger

Your crystal-glass thoughts will run to me


My rock n roll words will dance on your face and cut your heart

My sun-words will burn you

Till death do us part.