Talkies by justin spring - HTML preview

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All I remember is looking up from the wheel

and seeing him racing out the ARRIVALS door

like Lazarus escaping from the tomb,

and then I’m watching his head

bobbing up and down

in the crowd and then he’s

suddenly sitting next to me, rolling

a doobie and we're both laughing and I'm

telling him it's a miracle, I thought he was dead,

but it's hard understanding him because

he’s sputtering and jumping around, telling me everything that's ever happened to him but in no particular sequence and I’m thinking, The drugs must have damaged him, but he doesn't know how badly, and then I don't want to think about it anymore, because all I can think about is myself,

how people will sometimes look at me

like they know something's broken, something

that's not going to get fixed anymore,

and then I hear him telling me  

he's on a program now, that he's OK, except

he's still living with his parents

so he’s not so sure, and it’s so funny

both of us start laughing again,

and I say, Why don't we hit Oeschlaeger's,

maybe Valerie’ll be at the opening,





but I can tell by this funny,

kind of helpless look on his face

he doesn't really know if he knows her

or not, so I tell him he hasn't met

this particular Valerie, and for a moment

he looks relieved and then he looks worried

and then he's going down

too many tunnels

to follow, and then I look up

from wherever I am  and I see him

standing next to Valerie like he

knows who she is and I’m trying

to wave her away before she starts

chatting him up with all her stuff

about art because he’ll be all over her

about that PBS Special on Arizona and how he hates that yellow shirt his father wears, but it’s too late, she’s already  bolting for the door, and he’s gasping and looking around everywhere like he’s

about to go under and I’m trying to

get to him  but everything’s moving so slow

and then he's right in my face screaming This

always happens but I never know why,

and then all I remember is holding him

and kissing him and whispering

to him over and over, It’s Ok, Rick, It’s OK,

except it wasn’t OK, and both of us knew it.