The Man in the Moon: Anthology of Poems by Sam Cullingworth - HTML preview

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This 'n' that


"A little bit of this, a little bit of that,"

I can't abide the chit-chat,

Where's my hat?

" I've gotta go Love.." Cough, cough.

Time to get off.


Damn. My tyre's flat.

"You need a bit o' that!"

Fuck me. Like my tyre, I felt flat

No escape now. Grunt, grunt.

Stop being a &#%*.


"O yes please!" I paint a smile.

I look like a necrophile.

Underneath the patina I file

More oral crap. Parp, parp!

My ass sounds like a broken harp.


What is this "that", exactly?

It rhymes with "twat".

Don't give me that , you daft bat.

She tries to fill my brain with small-talk.

I'd rather eat pork.


Edgar was right. Small-minded conversation

Is shite. I don't want to hear about 'that'.

Life is too short,

"Pass me the port."

Gl u g  g l u g .