The Merlin Collection by Dave Baxter - HTML preview

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The Land Of Faerie


Silver Moon set up on high

Centred in a lilac sky

Looking downward through the mists

On a land few know exists


Shining gently o'er the Tor

Majestic hilltop by the shore

Of Camelot and Summer Sea

One day her time again will be


Trees are gaunt this winter's night

As mists obscure them from clear sight

A veil around the earth is drawn

And fragrant mystery is born


The poppies red a carpet make

And show that Earth is still awake

The land of Magickal Mystery

A place not there for all to see


What Magick walks upon this land?

You cannot tell from where you stand

The Magick held within this place

Will guide you back to Mother's grace


To enter in you must be wary

As entry to the Land of Faerie

Is not a thing that all can do

Unless She opens up the way for you


But once inside all things are shown

As if you are returning home

A seekers place is there to see

One day She showed herself to me

Magic Of The Stones


A sacred space since time began

A circle here since birth of man

And magic woven through the stones

Brings pilgrims travelling from their homes


And unicorns not one but three

Graze gently by the sacred tree

And sense the crackle in the air

It calls forth Maidens dark and fair


With Raven, Morgan and their kin

The sisters of the moon begin

To weave their mystries power of three

They speak their words and it must be


The Merlin stands in robes of blue

The wisest person no one knew

And there inside that sacred henge

The magic of the stones begins


Circle magic from the source

Calling down that awesome force

On the plain by night or day

Female magic makes its way


The sacred ways of Avalon

They are still here, they have not gone

Power courses through your bones

Via The Magic Of The Stones

Birth Of Starchild


The infant born of sacred tree

Knows far more than we may see

Carries wisdom of the ancients

Knowledge far beyond our nation


He rises gently born on light

We understand just how he might

See much more than we can see

While Stars play gently round his feet


Gold and silver purest shine

And mix with white of highest high

To bring great healing to our land

Source consciousness is at his hand


Your future one of unsure health

Spending your time by yourself

So Introverted you will be

But tell me just what do you see


A gifted child, an introvert

Simple games can cause him hurt

He holds our future in his hand

The star child born by nature hand


Moon Mother


Avalon Mists rise up to meet you

As you stand in silent thought

Robes wrapped tight against your body

Hold you close and keep you warm

You watch the lake as moonlight bathes you

As you stand in silent thought

Thoughts and feelings kept in silence

Standing, waiting watching o'er


The sword held proudly at your shoulder

As you stand in silent thought

Do you think about your children?

Priestess Maiden Mother Crone

Amulets adorn your forearms

As you stand in silent thought

Your lips held closed in resolution

As you think what may befall


You see the future stretch before you

As you stand in silent thought

Moon Mother, Merlin both together

Oak Grove waiting, feel the call

You know the future is uncertain

As you stand in silent thought

The Mists may close within your future

Unless the words are spread afar


But the way is far from simple

As you stand in silent thought

Not every seeker gets the calling

To pass beyond the sacred port

To climb atop the Tor at Solstice

And to stand in silent thought

Moon Mother holds you in her comfort

An Avalon daughter newly born

Earth Magic


As Merlin sits among the stones

Lighting courses through his bones

Wand in hand he casts a circle 

On the earth to pass his vigil


A darkening night is all around

And the mystic signs abound

Midst the flashes richest purple 

Builds the magic in the circle


Leafless trees stand gaunt and dark 

Shadows fade with lightning spark

Kneeling there in eerie light

Merlin waits in deepest night


Working with the rising power

He calls the Goddess at this hour

Earth Magic builds with every second

Until his spirit Starchild beckons


"Come to me in dead of night

Past the keeper in his sight

Do not fear his awesome spectre

Let the magic earth protect you"


With Earth Magic you will be

On the path to setting free

All the mystery of the ages

From the Book of Shadows pages



The fearsome guardian watches o'er

That Magickal place on Avalon shore

No one dare approach the space

And stare the beast full in the face


A night of terror will befall

The ones who dare to risk it all

To hold the dragon in their gaze

So many here will end their days


The waters boil in foaming torrent

As great jaws screech in sounds abhorrent

Talons flail in each direction

If they strike - annihilation!


But one will come and face the challenge

Boldly rise up and avenge

The mystic island's fiercest critics

Those who claim our ways heretic


The Starchild name is to awaken

The dragons breath to soon be taken

Sparks and scales will rise up high

Until the beast must fly or die

Avalon Unicorn


She stands beneath a rainbow sky

Between a pair of stones so high.

The Magick coursing through the air

Calls The Keeper from the lair


Spirits marshall as they hear the call

A message brought for one and all

Upon the plain a brilliant light

Disturbs the darkness of the night


The stones vibrate with energy pure

The keeper vents an awesome roar

And tries to conjure up a storm

To scare the Avalon Unicorn


But undeterred she stands her ground

And though she utters not a sound

The Keeper senses pure futility

Beaten down by great humility


She will not rise up to the fight

Knows the time is not yet right

Without a sign of battle there

The Keeper withdraws to the lair

The Awakening


A crown sits quietly on the rocks

A young man stirs, his silver locks

Tumble gently to his neck and

Lightning flashes off his chest


In the shadow of The Tor

Where poppies red grow on the floor

Armour glistens merry bright

And not a single bird in sight


Undertones of serpent breath

Fetid air and stench of death

Currents flow below the surface

Silver tongue of venomous serpent


This day the island does belie

The beauteous images of the eye

A quest revealed upon this date

For this young man to undertake


To rid the island of the rot

Lest this place will be forgot

To meet the challenge there must be

A sword that will provide the key


Awaken to the challenge set

Save the Isle lest we forget

Beware The Keeper on your way

And yet our knight will win the day



Of deepest blue the Summer Sea

Holds its secrets steadfastly

The mists that form upon her shores

Protect the island from ill force


But in its depths a secret holds

A story many men have told

A creature not of woman born

And yet part female in it's form


And when she sings her siren song

A time of fear will not be long

‘Tis said she lures men to the depths

And great misfortune she behests


So for this challenge he exists

And Starchild understands the risk

For what awaits him he can't tell

A journey to a watery hell?


Yet fight he must for life and honour

For the sickness he must conquer

That pervades through many mortal man

Since this land and time began



Enveloped in silence Arthur stood by the stone

Aware of its magic and what must be done

The sword in the stone proclaimed him to be

The King of the future for people to see


The people were lacking a leader for sure

This man stood above the others before

He knew that his task was to take them to hand

To lead them to victory and win them their land


But deep in his heart a sense of unrest

Ran through his body, he knew of his quest

He carried a burden that no man should know

Morgaine was his sister and this pained him so


With mist and fork lightning the Fires of Beltane

Burned brightly the night that the union was made.

The God and The Maiden were joined into one

And several months later a baby, a son


But just in this moment a duty needs done

His people were desperate, a leader must come

The magical sword Excalibur named

Was drawn from the stone, it was rightly his blade

Warrior And The Beast


Many tales from days long gone

Are told about the Summer Sea

When beast and dragon roamed the land

Not scared by man, both wild and free


In winter time a leafless tree

Is dark against a leaden sky

The Keeper roaring from on high

Men believe someone must die


Enormous wings rip through the air

Talons hooked and nostrils flared

Enormous power earthwards speeds

And meets the ringing iron he wields


Sparks and flames fall to the ground

The Earth rings out with awesome sound

Of beating wings and fearsome roars

Starchild sword meets Keeper’s jaw


A bitter fight ‘til death of one

The Keeper falls, defences gone

The challenge o’er, the battle done

And Avalon’s Warrior victory won



Gossamer wings meet the blue of the night

A halo around her, a shimmering light

Her dark hair is tumbling, framing her face

What beautiful vision is here in this place?


With wings to her back and a milky white skin

Together her beauty beguiling and slim

Barefoot she stands twixt the rocks and the grass

Where toadstools are growing and Starchild must pass.


She turns and she greets him the victor, but yet

He knows it is coming, another great quest.

But just in this moment he stands mortal man

The first sign of frailty since the journey began


"My name is Majestic and soon you will see

Just why I am called so and who you will be"

"We must go abroad,  to the depths of the night

Where no one can follow far far out of sight"


He nods and she leads him by holding his hand

Out of the mists to a far off strange land

They enter a clearing, a grove of great trees

As Merlin steps forward they drop to their knees


"Fear not" says Majestic "for father has come

To finally acknowledge that you are his son

Your ancestors before you were all of the same

A line of brave warriors Pendragon the name"



An Angel of starlight looks down on the grove

Watching The Merlin greet Starchild with love

A sense of completeness is borne on the air

The nation united by people who care


No sense of foreboding is borne on this night

The energy building and feeling so right

The magical starlight slides down to the ground

And marries the moonlight, much pleasure abounds


The sword in his right hand is not there to fight

It stands there for justice and all that is right

The strength and great power that beats in his wings

Can often be seen in the simplest of things


And so as we leave you on this thirteenth night

Remember the Angel with love and with light

Be kind to the people you know or don't know

Look after the planet there's still far to go.


The Backword


When I began to compile this work I was extremely happy that I was being given the inspiration and the tools to take my poetry in a different direction.  Not for one moment did I consider that a work such as this would cause me so much pain and lead me to question my path.


Before your hands fly up in horror at the thought of me renouncing The Goddess let me assure you that nothing is further from my mind.  In fact,

compiling this work has clarified for me that I am definitely on a solitary path.


Issues that have tested my resolve have raised themselves during the writing process and for that I thank The Goddess.  I will not go into greater detail about how and why I was tested but I rest in the knowledge that I now see things with greater clarity.


So that said, I am going to make the necessary changes and return to the path I followed before this book began to take shape.


Therefore, as the book draws towards completion I will take this opportunity to wish you the best things that life can give.


Love, Light and Blessed Be





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