The Noise From The Vaccum by Gaegake Motlhanka - HTML preview

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I can't open my mouth,

My tongue is stuck to my mouth,

And oh! my throat is literally closed,

The air can get in my noise,

But it can't reach my lungs,

I feel as if I am inside an oven


My head is starting to spin like a Ferris wheel,

I am starting to see things, things that don't exist,

The dizziness is starting to get in,

And suddenly I find myself on the ground,

How did I get here? I mused alone

Slowly but surely I am starting to lose sight,

As I staggered to the nearest house,

My legs feel like lead, I can’t lift them,


Finally I managed to arrive at someone ‘house,

I tried to speak, but no words come out,

All I can do is motion a cup,

Finally I got some water; it feels like a rain just started,

Or being kissed by an angel after returning from,

I cant stop myself from drinking, its like am going to burst

Finally I stop, and I feel like myself again…wait I was hallucinating....