The Power of Black – Poems on Humanity , Social Cause , Poverty , Women Empowerment – Volume 1 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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You’re not just raping her sacrosanct flesh; but by thoughtlessly doing so;  you’re infact and forever; brutally raping; the untainted spirit of her symbiotically bountiful existence,


You’re not just raping her effulgent flesh; but by thoughtlessly doing so; you’re infact and forever; indiscriminately raping; her impeccably unhindered and divinely image

in the fathomless world,


You’re not just raping her victorious flesh; but by thoughtlessly doing so; you’re infact and forever; unforgivably raping; the countless ideals of Godly motherhood; that her persona had inevitably established on planet earth,


You’re not just raping her melodious flesh; but by thoughtlessly doing so; you’re infact and forever; diabolically raping; her unconquerable individuality to independently exist as a female on this spell binding Universe,


You’re not just raping her harmonious flesh; but by thoughtlessly doing so; you’re infact and forever; sacrilegiously raping; the ever-pervading mantra of holistic spirituality; that enchantingly lingered in her soul,


You’re not just raping her enamoring flesh; but by thoughtlessly doing so; you’re infact and forever; demonically raping; every single ray of hope that she’d so triumphantly conceived; amidst a mortuary of ghoulishly asphyxiating blackness,


You’re not just raping her jubilant flesh; but by thoughtlessly doing so; you’re infact and forever; cold-bloodedly raping; the immortally unflinching cradle of truth and solidarity in her pious conscience,


You’re not just raping her beautiful flesh; but by thoughtlessly doing so; you’re infact and forever; torturously raping; the thread of insuperable humanity with which she’d felt so perpetually bonded with; till this very plagued moment,


You’re not just raping her nubile flesh; but by thoughtlessly doing so; you’re infact and forever; fanatically raping; the heavenly virginity of each tangible and intangible pore of her wondrously blessed form,


You’re not just raping her ecstatic flesh; but by thoughtlessly doing so; you’re infact and forever; inconsolably raping; the very melody and sweetness of her God-gifted creation,


You’re not just raping her uninhibited flesh; but by thoughtlessly doing so; you’re infact and forever; truculently raping; the wings of her everlastingly fructifying freedom,


You’re not just raping her majestic flesh; but by thoughtlessly doing so; you’re infact and forever; venomously raping; the fathomless labyrinths of artistry that she paved; on every of her advancing footstep,


You’re not just raping her scintillating flesh; but by thoughtlessly doing so; you’re infact and forever; hedonistically raping; the optimistically blazing Sun of her destiny; which now wanted to do nothing else but extinguish wholesomely,


You’re not just raping her inimitable flesh; but by thoughtlessly doing so; you’re infact and forever; ominously raping; her signature of ultimate authenticity; righteousness and eternally enthralling compassion,


You’re not just raping her celestial flesh; but by thoughtlessly doing so; you’re infact and forever; sinfully raping; every of her blissful fantasy and vision; of succeeding in whatever philanthropic that she wanted to do,


You’re not just raping her bounteous flesh; but by thoughtlessly doing so; you’re infact and forever; pugnaciously raping; even the tiniest of her desire to 

synergistically mélange with every fraternity of humanity; further on,


You’re not just raping her ubiquitous flesh; but by thoughtlessly doing so; you’re infact and forever; tyrannically raping; the inherently effervescent and pristinely unabashed child gallivanting in each of her stride,


You’re not just raping her royal flesh; but by thoughtlessly doing so; you’re infact and forever; cannibalistically raping; the inimitably distinctive aura of infallible innocence; that perennially radiated from every tangible dimension of her persona,


You’re not just raping her euphoric flesh; but by thoughtlessly doing so; you’re infact and forever; uncouthly raping; even the tiniest insinuation of color; charm and vibrancy; from the chapter of her now vindictively devastated life,


So please do remember the above; the next time you set out to rape a woman;

O! maniacally perverted man