The Power of Black – Poems on Humanity , Social Cause , Poverty , Women Empowerment – Volume 2 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Just as your job was to blasphemously abuse every religion that wasn't yours; my job was to unassailably unite the wretchedly dissipated planet once again into the religion of Omnipotent humanity,


Just as your job was to cold-bloodedly annihilate forest after jubilant forest for erecting sinister edifice; my job was to sow an infinite new seedlings of prosperity every unfurling instant of the day and shimmering night,


Just as your job was to sacrilegiously desecrate every Temple; Mosque; Church and Monastery as the greatest agnostic alive; my job was to inexhaustibly pray—humbly bending down to the fervently Omnipresent footsteps of the Almighty Creator,


Just as your job was to ruthlessly paralyze countless a girl child right itself in the invincibly sacrosanct womb; my job was to altruistically lend every ounce of my mind; body and shoulder to those aimlessly shivering orphans without a roof,


Just as your job was to shoot an infinite invidious bullets right into the innocuous skull; my job was to heal every conceivable wound on the trajectory of this fathomless earth; with the magical ointment of brotherhood that ran inherently in each of my ardent veins,


Just as your job was to shrewdly trade everything on this globe for fecklessly meaningless money; my job was to pen down an infinite lines of mesmerizing poetry and solely follow my heart—which made me the richest organism alive,


Just as your job was to indiscriminately make fun and endlessly slander every piece of weakness in this world; my job was to become the selflessly compassionate walking stick—of all those old; infirm; haplessly staggering and maimed,


Just as your job was to unthinkably molest and trade your very own mother for a few sleazy wads of currency; my job was to become that unflinchingly faithful son of every couple who was banefully childless,


Just as your job was to interminably inundate the reservoirs of ghastly hell with more and more innocent blood; my job was to spawn paradise at every conceivable quarter of mother earth out of thin air—solely on the

foundations of unconquerable love,


Just as your job was to baselessly condemn and spit upon every tangible and intangible thing that you felt and sighted; my job was to appreciate and be in due servitude of God's unceasingly effulgent and tirelessly proliferating Universe,


Just as your job was to acrimoniously scrap even the last traces of your inimitably invaluable heritage and kin; my job was to bountifully procreate an innumerable of my own—contributing my own bit towards the chapters of eternal newness and creation,


Just as your job was to flagrantly lie in every tawdrily damned word that you uttered; my job was to perseveringly evolve a whole new civilization of only truth; which was ruled solely by the unsurpassable sky of righteousness,


Just as your job was to sadistically rejoice the morbidly fetid skeleton in every of your breath; my job was to make day-to-day life of every inexplicably thwarted organism; a joyously unfettered celebration,


Just as your job was to pugnaciously maim even the most infinitesimal trace of creative in its very roots; my job was to uninhibitedly let loose every frazzled cranny of my brain—in order to replenish each aspect of my existence with the uncurbed richness of the Lord's creation,


Just as your job was to cast a spell of deplorable doomsday upon every organism rollicking in the true spirit of life; my job was to be the lantern of unparalleled optimism to each uncontrollably shivering form; by the grace of the Omniscient Creator,


Just as your job was to bombard every cognizable corner of the earth with wanton hatred and satanic war; my job was to solely disseminate the ideals of celestial peace and harmony; which was the only religion that every form of God ever taught,


Just as your job was to miserably lull in the graveyards of disastrously asphyxiating solitariness; my job was to ardently voice the sounds of mellifluous undefeated life---ubiquitously in the ecstatically palpitating atmosphere,


Just as your job was to barbarously behead every new-born on the spuriously sacrificial altar in order to extend your own life; my job was to fearlessly fight till my very last breath—lay my life instantaneously for the sake of the glory of my venerated motherland,


B'cause please understand O! mercilessly pulverizing devil—that every job; whether indescribably bad or good; is still a job in hand; a job to be done; or as they've been saying since times immemorial that a job is a job