The Power of Black – Poems on Humanity , Social Cause , Poverty , Women Empowerment – Volume 2 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I live to savor the eternal fruits of Natures timeless creation; the astoundingly vivacious butterflies fluttering handsomely in fathomless bits of; majestically blue sky,


I live to savor the resplendently twinkling stars in the royal cosmos; the shimmering fountain of milky light that grandiloquently poured to enlighten the

ghastly corpse of dastardly night,


I live to savor the rejuvenatingly sparkling freshness of the aristocratic waterfalls; profusely blend my mind; body and soul in the cascade of exotically heavenly waters,


I live to savor the melodiously everlasting sound of the ravishing nightingale; profoundly assimilate each of its wonderfully tantalizing sounds; in the innermost recesses of my tumultuously frazzled soul,


I live to savor the winds of exuberance blowing my way; the beautifully mesmerizing feel that they vibrantly imparted to even the most

infinitesimally deadened of my nerve,


I live to savor the handsomely scintillating pearls of the enchantingly vivacious oceans; the blissfully unbelievably synergy that they instilled in every iota of

my; nervously devastated demeanor,


I live to savor the bountifully bouncing kangaroos in the mischievously philandering fields; the waves of impeccable innocence that they bestowed perennially upon; my murderously manipulative visage,


I live to savor the sensuously titillating dewdrops at ethereally magnetic dawn; the essence of ebullient freshness that they showered upon; every element of

my frantically beleaguered persona,


I live to savor the brilliantly flamboyant rays of the Omnipotent Sun; the unfathomable ocean of blazingly enlightening light that it ubiquitously disseminated; to every cranny of this Universe besieged with; inexplicably horrendous pain,


I live to savor the mystically enthralling whispers of the rustling trees; the unsurpassable entrenchment of exhilarating enigma that they placed me within; making me wholesomely oblivious to the preposterously snobbish vagaries; of the savagely realistic Universe,


I live to savor the royally swimming fish in the undulating sea; the ecstatically glorious leap in their stride; that made me feel that I had once again; and irrefutably transited into a jubilantly new born child,


I live to savor the regally glistening eagles soaring handsomely in the boundless sky; the uninhibited flapping of their poignant wings; freeing me of all my

waveringly bedraggled memories of disdainfully lecherous human kind,


I live to savor the torrentially pelting drops of seductively titillating rain; the globules of golden empathy which magically quelled all brutally traumatized mankind; of even the most minuscule of its pain,


I live to savor the indefatigably charismatic blanket of crimson roses; the marvelously spell binding scent that they unequivocally emanated; which perpetually  pacified each remorsefully vengeful ingredient; of my

vindictive blood,


I live to savor the uniquely incredulous freshness of God’s evolution; the most amazingly eclectic chapter of endless procreation; that every organism on this

planet was beautifully endowed with,


I live to savor the vibrantly dancing rainbows soon after the passionate rains; the blissfully symbiotic wave of unprecedented excitement that they enshrouded

my entire countenance with; for infinite more births yet to come,


I live to savor the voice of patriotically unassailable truth; the unshakable royalty with which it Omnisciently sunk; deep down in the walls of my viciously wavering conscience,


I live to savor celestially impeccable forms of new birth; the immaculate cries of the freshly born; unflinchingly imparting me with the strength to scrape even the most inconspicuous iota of diabolism; from the fathomless trajectory of

this planet,


I live to savor tireless gallons of enchantingly princely air; the piquant carpet of invincible life; that veritably made me embrace all mankind irrespective of creed and color; made me feel the richest being; humanitarianly alive,


And most importantly  I live to savor the most immortal gift of Almighty Lord’s creation called; love; intransigently try my best to diffuse its ecumenically sacrosanct essence; to every dwelling without light; to every heart without euphoric beats