The Power of Black – Poems on Humanity , Social Cause , Poverty , Women Empowerment – Volume 2 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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There was no dearth of commercialism; as boundless humans salaciously paved their way ahead; insidiously suppressing countless innocuous of their own

kind; today,

There was no dearth of manipulation; as literally every 3rd person alive; tried his best to perniciously trick you; towards the realms of horrendously dwindling extinction; today,

There was no dearth of prejudice; as an unrelenting reservoir of greed glinted with pompous luminosity in millions of eyeballs alike; disparagingly robbing the

fabric of eternal humanity; of its most priceless rudiments of mankind; today,

There was no dearth of barbarism; as even the most civilized of organism’s savagely fought for each other’s blood; replenishing their sordidly disgruntled

lips at the cost of vital life; today,

And sadly if indeed there was any dearth; it was of the most immortal fountain of love which had been miserably ransacked by miscreants of spurious religion; it was of compassion which had sadly metamorphosed into a lecherous

devil; today.


There was no dearth of war; as virtually every continent viciously desired to be the ultimate superpower; a force even above the Omnipotent Lord

Almighty; today,

There was no dearth of depression; as even the most innocuously sparkling of youth; were horrifically buried under the juggernaut of abominably

suicidal education system; today,

There was no dearth of racialism; as even the most sagaciously educated of household’s; murderously discriminated between humanitarian sects of rich and

poor; today,

There was no dearth of crime; as the most scintillating stalwarts of irrefutable power themselves offered a flurry of unsurpassable incentives; for committing murder; extortion; blasphemous atrocities; today,

And sadly if there was indeed any dearth; then it was of the ocean of immortal love which had wholesomely evaporated in wisps of brutal adulteration; it was of priceless humanity which was tyrannically slashed even before it expelled its very first breath; today.


There was no dearth of slavery; as merciless powerhorses of bombastically infinitesimal wealth; torturously lambasted the oppressed to even the most

inconspicuous of their commands; today,

There was no dearth of morbidity; as an unendingly appalling gloom descended at all quarters; over the treacherously besieged atmosphere; today,

There was no dearth of starvation; as infinite infants having just emanated the first cry of birth; were uncouthly stuffed in garbage bins of despicable poverty for the rest of their lives; today,

There was no dearth of tragedy; as an unprecedented mass of immaculately sparkling living being; was remorsefully subjected to perilously raining bombs and gunpowder everyday; today,

And sadly if indeed there was any dearth; it was of the sky of immortal love which had been vindictively metamorphosed into the horizon of death by all those stinkingly corrupt; it was of an emotional empathy which had been lethally squashed to capricious pulp by artificial robots; today.


There was no dearth of revenge; as an incomprehensible ton of living beings devilishly slit their counterparts throat; just for being a shade better than

them; today,

There was no dearth of politics; as the so called unflinching leaders of the society languidly slept on a consortium of innocent bone and disgustingly

transient currency; all night and day; today,

There was no dearth of wailing; as virtually every dwelling under the flamboyantly sweltering and golden Sun; had become obnoxiously sensitive to its overtly fiery rays; today,

There was no dearth of death; as the most austerely abhorred tablet of  preposterous suicide; had become a pragmatically routine fashion; today,

And sadly if there was any dearth; it was of the heart of immortal love which had been rendered to a sleazy machine by daggerheads of malice; it was of the

invincible adoration of the divine; which had been wholesomely alienated

by Nuclear war; today.