The Power of Black – Poems on Humanity , Social Cause , Poverty , Women Empowerment – Volume 2 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I wanted to live till that day; when all darkness submerging the earth metamorphosed into brilliant light, 


I wanted to live till that day; when all misery engulfing the people converted into immortal happiness,


I wanted to live till that day; when all the impoverished starving for food converted into Kings residing in grandiloquent palaces,


I wanted to live till that day; when all the preposterously smelling dirt in the globe converted into a bed of voluptuous roses,


I wanted to live till that day; when all deserts and patches of soil dying for water converted into gargantuan oceans,


I wanted to live till that day; when all acerbic thorns strewn randomly in the jungles converted into golden couches impregnated with silk,


I wanted to live till that day; when all fires indiscriminately gobbling the entire townships; converted into slabs of tantalizing ice,


I wanted to live till that day; when each barren patch of sky converted itself into an opalescent and rain yielding cloud,


I wanted to live till that day; when every illiterate individual converted into prudently literate,


I wanted to live till that day; when all naked flesh around was converted into a robust body with clothes,


I wanted to live till that day; when all hostility and repugnant war would convert itself into spell binding utopia,


I wanted to live till that day; when anecdotes of deliberate lechery converted themselves into sacrosanct temples,


I wanted to live till that day; when all evil existing in this Universe converted itself into the omnipotent aura of God,


I wanted to live till that day; when all religions existing under the cosmos; converted themselves into the religion of humanity,


I wanted to live till that day; when all hearts broken and badly betrayed converted themselves into passionate and holistic love,


I wanted to live till that day; when all those people who were wholesomely blind converted into angels with sparkling sight,


I wanted to live till that day; when each horrific accident occurring converted itself into an occasion of colorful festivity,


I wanted to live till that day; when every infant who was christened as orphan; converted itself to being born in the most complete of family,


I wanted to live till that day; when all skeletons buried at unfathomable distances beneath the soil; converted themselves again into blissful living beings,


I wanted to live till that day; when the planet which had currently become a commercial hell to live today; converted back again into the enchanting paradise it was when it had been just created,


And I knew for me to witness all this in just this birth of mine was simply impossible; but don’t you worry as I will take infinite births; being born in some form or the other as per the wishes of the Creator; will definitely see that paradise come again; come once again