The Power of Black – Poems on Humanity , Social Cause , Poverty , Women Empowerment – Volume 2 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The Greatest Happiness on this Universe was in;  bringing unsurpassable Happiness to the lives of all those; unfortunately divested of mesmerizing fortunes; tragically lambasted by strokes of uncouth destiny from all sides,


The Greatest Victory on this Universe was in; bringing unassailable Victory to the lives of all those; miserably slithering without their loved ones; despicably sinking deeper and deeper into the  graveyard at every step; for ostensibly no fault of  theirs,


The Greatest Enlightenment on this Universe was in; bringing spell binding Enlightenment to the lives of all those; ignominiously oppressed and ostracized by every quarter of the acrimoniously tyrannical society; lugubriously swooning with every unfurling instant of time,


The Greatest Empathy on this Universe was in; bringing bountiful Empathy to the lives of all those; diabolically marauding the silken fabric of immaculate atmosphere; unrelentingly staring ahead with savagely untamed hatred in their eyes,


The Greatest Melody on this Universe was in; bringing enchanting Melody to the lives of all those; wailing a billion tears of monotony a minute; obnoxiously besieged in the marketplace of bizarrely horrendous manipulation and malice,


The Greatest Euphoria on this Universe was in; bringing unconquerable Euphoria to the lives of all those; preposterously decimated by even the most evanescent trace of passing breeze,


The Greatest Benevolence on this Universe was in; bringing altruistic Benevolence to the lives of all those; maniacally incarcerated in dungeons of insane bloodshed and criminal malevolence,


The Greatest Optimism on this Universe was in; bringing unprecedented Optimism to the lives of all those; disparagingly crippling towards the aisles of

inexplicably gruesome nothingness,


The Greatest Strength on this Universe was in; bringing invincible Strength to the lives of all those; being brutally tortured every unfurling second of their lives; by the hands of the mercilessly whipping devil,


The Greatest Wealth on this Universe was in; bringing endless Wealth to the lives of all those innocent messengers of the Almighty Lord; derogatorily

surviving in the horrifically stinking gutter lines,


The Greatest Compassion on this Universe was in; bringing eternal Compassion to the lives of all those; miserably orphaned since the very first cry of life;

abominably kicked into the corridors of salaciously stagnating poverty,


The Greatest Sparkle on this Universe was in; bringing an unflinching Sparkle to the lives of all those; opprobriously underprivileged molecules of the Lord

Divine; for whom life was nothing but a corpse of remorsefully penalizing darkness,


The Greatest Humanity on this Universe was in; bringing unshakable Humanity to the lives of all those; maliciously adulterated and bereft of the divine; satanically sucking blood from even the most astoundingly similar of their kind,


The Greatest Penance on this Universe was in; bringing everlasting Penance to the lives of all those; indiscriminately massacring the impeccably holistic; ruthlessly snatching an impoverished child from the lap of its sacrosanct other,


The Greatest Solidarity on this Universe was in; bringing perpetual solidarity to the lives of all those; heinously infiltrated in the webs of spuriously raunchy commercialism; surreptitiously waiting each moment to wring their comrades neck,


The Greatest Truth on this Universe was in; bringing irrefutable Truth to the lives of all those; sordidly fretting and fuming in the dungeons of dastardly

depraving lies; ghastily castigating even the most majestic elements of God’s creation; with the foul spit in their mouths,


The Greatest Fantasy on this Universe was in; bringing tantalizing Fantasy to the lives of all those; lividly cursing each resplendently Omnipotent aspect of their

persona; abusing existence in terminologies more condemnable than what the devil could ever conceive,


The Greatest Purpose on this Universe was in; bringing gloriously symbiotic Purpose to the lives of all those; deliberately pulverizing each instant of their

miraculously Omniscient life; with the swords of baselessly meaningless religion,


And the Greatest Love on this Universe was in; bringing immortal love to the lives of all those; frigidly wanting to embrace gory death; with a heart

all right but sadly without the most diminutive of beats.