The Thoughts of an Image Writer by Kimberly Johnson - HTML preview

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What is Christmas?

Does anyone really know?

Are we really people made from dirt?

Or did we evolve from animals?


No one can really answer any of these questions,

Even though they want to state

That the "Christian" Bible is correct,

Do they really know its right?


We have people that say we were made of dirt

We have a book that says the same thing

We have archaeologists that prove them wrong

We have paleontologists that also prove them wrong.


We have evidence that people & animals

Lived here for many, many years

Before the people of Jesus ever did

So how do we really know who or what made our planet?


We have a holiday named Christmas

People are supposed to be happy

Many are happy & healthy

Many are sad & unhealthy


Christmas "was" supposed to be the birth of Christ,

Though the BIBLE doesn't state the exact day of his birth

ALL Christians "believe" it to be December 25Th

So, again, how do we really know when his birth occurred?


Christmas was started long ago

Believed to be the day of Christ’s birth

It was supposed to be a Christian Holiday

But somewhere it’s gone wrong

And has turned into a monopoly

And the hugest Moneymaker

Of any other holiday, in any other season.


The "churches" say:

"Give us money & you can join us"

"GOD" said:

"Enter all who may, and enter "FREELY""


So, does that give the churches

The right to CHARGE us to come?

Actually, NO, it don't

We are supposed to go FREELY,

NOT give every cent we have


Christmas is supposed to be a holiday

Celebrated throughout the world

Every December 25Th

Of every year.


For some people it is a time of year

Where they actually get to splurge

And say that the bills can wait

Till after presents are gotten


Wasn't it quoted in the Bible

"It is better to give than receive"

I think I do recall seeing it

But can't remember the exact place.


The Bible says a lot of things

Do the people of the world listen?

Do they do what Exodus 20 says to do?

Nope, they sure don't


So, again, what is Christmas?

What or who is Christ

What or who is GOD


And, finally, who can say

That either of them really exist

Because from what I have seen

All we have is a BOOK stating it


But we have many "scientific" people


That have proven this BOOK wrong.




Kimberly Johnson
