The Thoughts of an Image Writer by Kimberly Johnson - HTML preview

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I wish to thank Jaxs Powell for his help in the creation of this book. Between him and me we took all of the images that are included.


All of the original images were in color. Jaxs did the editing of them to make them black and white for publishing purposes. Though these are not the photos I had originally put with the poems, due to not wanting to wind up with copyright issues on the images originally used, I decided to use images that we had taken instead.


I wish to also thank John “Lokutus Prime” from the Opera Community. When he first read my poetry, he told me that I had more rhymes than poems. He said that poetry does not necessarily have to rhyme to be a poem. That is what makes the difference between poems and rhymes.


With his help of being a critic to my work, I was able to expand my creativity to new horizons without constantly putting my poems in a box and rhyming every line. I thank you a lot for that John, and really appreciate what you said to me about it.


Without that help, I would still be beating my creative mind against the wall on Opera trying to make my poems rhyme. You were and still are a great help when it comes to needing help with my writing. Thanks again for all your help.


I also wish to thank those of my friends that I can actually call friends that encouraged my writing over the years and who believed that I could do anything that I set my mind to do. To those of you, I am grateful to have you as friends.


I believe in my dreams, and I believe in friendship. I also believe that if you can’t say something nice to someone, don’t say it at all.


My favorite quote is one which I made up myself:


 “Never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something, for if they do, it just means they couldn’t do it themselves”.