The Valley that Calls by Deniz Besim - HTML preview

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The Private Box


Eve, now all grown up would fondly look back,

Recalls what she'd in her secret box keep.

A bunch of love letters piled in a stack.


Her mother would some understanding lack,

For at eight, Eve with her boyfriend did sleep.

Eve, now all grown up would fondly look back.


Through the years, these letters would fill a sack.

He, then only twelve, emotions run deep.

A bunch of love letters piled in a stack.


Eve thought her mum would have her head did whack,

If she into her secret box did peep.

Eve, now all grown up would fondly look back.


Another item she'd secretly pack:

A musical ballerina, not cheap

And a bunch of love letters in a stack.


It fills her heart with warmth, she'd a smile crack,

As the ballerina danced, Eve would weep.

Eve, now all grown up would fondly look back

At a bunch of letters piled in a stack.