The Valley that Calls by Deniz Besim - HTML preview

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The Bears


Within the valley there is a clear lake

A mother bear and her cubs now play there,

Washing under the hot afternoon sun,

Splashing around, hunting fish, keeping cool.

The mother bear warns her cubs not to stray

For the lake soon gives way to a river.


The currents are high where there's a river

The bear tells her cubs to keep by the lake.

One rebellious bear cub wants to stray.

He wonders why she won't let him go there.

Refusing to hear, the cub thinks it's cool

To go his own way, under the hot sun.


Under the hot, scorching afternoon sun

The cub now strays and heads for the river,

Unseen by his mother who splashes cool.

As his cub-siblings splash on in the lake,

The brother cubs notice the cub's not there

Informing the mother he's gone astray.


Wild torrents now take the frightened cub stray

Mother calls out to her endangered son,

She knows he can't control the swim out there.

Waterfalls at the end of the river

Fierce, wild torrents not as safe as the lake,

Crashing wildly over unsafe rocks cool.


The endangered cub could see his un-cool

End.  He'll be crashing on rocks, drowning stray.

Powerfully crashing down by a lake.

The helpless bear thinks she has lost her son

For he has reached the peak of the river

The falls carry him, he crashes down there.


He swallows water while crashing down there,

Force of the waters, he's missed the rocks cool,

He topples off the end of the river

He hits the far bottom beneath but stray

From rocks.  The lucky cub greets a warm sun

Plopping safely onto a calmer lake.


The safe cub meets his mum there by the lake,

The air is cool despite the scorching sun

And fresh river-fish over the falls stray.