The Valley that Calls by Deniz Besim - HTML preview

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The Encounter


The lone sport star has just had a meeting

With a girl fan of his.  There was something

Different about this girl.  She was not

Like most of his fans, but he can't quite place

It.  Perhaps it was in her reserved joy

On meeting him.  Most people would have been


In hysterics by that point.  She'd not been

Like that.  But more reserved in the meeting,

It was clear to him she was so much joy.

Asked him for his autograph or something,

She certainly kept herself to her place,

Give her his autograph?  How could he not?


It was evident to him she was not

Like most.  Made no display of having been

Infatuated nor made it her place

To give him her number upon meeting

Him.  She made no effort to give something

That he can call her by.  She was much joy,


It was what was most evident - her joy.

Yet she didn't appear to like him not,

An under-reaction.  It was something

He couldn't quite place.  Was he a has-been?

Why'd she not want to know upon meeting

Him?  It seemed she sure put him in his place.


She did not even ask him of his place,

Don't she know he lives in a mansion?  Joy

Does not even compare to that.  Meeting

Her was an under-reaction he'd not

Expect from most fans.  Yet he knows she'd been

Half his age, or maybe she was something


Young.  Was he too old for her or something?

Why was he the one feeling out of place?

He wants to see her again, she'll have been

So happy.  So different from the joy

He's used to.  Whether she was game or not,

He had to arrange another meeting.


There was something great about this meeting.

She'd put him in his place - something that's not

Happened in some time.  She was such a joy.