The Valley that Calls by Deniz Besim - HTML preview

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The Search for Treasure


The children gather around the checked spot,

All three of them hold a print of the map

That they'd copied.  Lucy says:  'The treasure

Is meant to be there.'  Her finger now points

At a single 'X' on the sands.  'Oh no!'

Says Thomas, 'But that's quicksand,'  he calls out.


'Our treasure's beneath quicksand!'  Jess calls out.

There is no way they could dig up that spot,

It was liquid sand.  They could conceive no

Way to get through it.  As they hold their map,

They are all determined.  Jess also points

At the 'X':  'I'll go down for the treasure,'


She says.  'You'll die before you get treasure,'

Lucy says, 'Not wise, Jess, figure it out.'

Jess treads on the 'X.'  'She is sinking!' points

Out Thomas.  'I'm going down through the spot,'

Jess says.  As she sinks slow, she holds the map

Tight.  Thomas attempts to lift her out, 'No!'


He calls, 'She's about to drown in sand.  No!'

He can't lift Jess out.  It seems the treasure

Is her destination.  Jess holds her map,

Soon to be ruined in sand.  'Please stay out,'

Jess says.  But the two want to join the spot.

As the children begin sinking, Tom points


His toes.  They'll go down faster if he points

Them.  Soon, the sands consume their brave heads.  No.

Suddenly the kids get sucked through the spot,

Straight through a long glass chute:  'To the treasure,

Weeeee!'  Calls out Tom.  When they make their way out

Of the chute, they realise that the map


Is right.  It really is a treasure map,

For there it is!  'It's the treasure!'  Jess points.

There were stacks of wealth, gold and cash.  'Look out,

We're rich!'  Calls Lucy.  'Oh dear, no, no, no!'

She sees,  'Tell me, what's the use of treasure,

When we can't get out of this unknown spot?'


'Map's no use.  We can't get out of this spot!'

Jess calls out.  There is no use to treasure,

If they'll never get out of this place.  NO..!