The Valley that Calls by Deniz Besim - HTML preview

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The Missing Phone


One bright day, Andrew loses his mobile.

Over hundreds of numbers he has lost

That also includes his girlfriend's number.

How else will he be able to contact

His friends or any of his work-based mates,

On incidents regarding scheduled dates?


Only on his phone had he saved those dates,

Where in the world has he placed his mobile?

One day, Andrew hears that one of his mates

Receives a call from the phone Andrew's lost.

Andrew must identify the contact,

For who's employing Andrew's phone number?


Someone is using Andrew's phone number

And he needs to know.  All his scheduled dates

And his girlfriend he cannot now contact,

Since he cannot remember her mobile

Number - in its memory it is lost.

Yet someone is contacting Andrew's mates,


Putting Andrew in trouble with his mates.

They thought that since it was from his number,

They suspected Andrew his mind had lost

When he failed to attend appointment dates

Arranged by the stranger with the mobile,

It threatened him with more than one contact.


He tells the police about the contact

That's getting him in trouble with his mates.

The police stop the outgoing mobile

Calls from Andrew's phone and track the number.

It turns out to be one of his ex-dates.

This ex-girl of Andrew's her mind had lost


And was bitter - he was not all she'd lost

When she'd took Andrew's phone so she'd contact

People through texts and reschedule the dates

He had arranged with his pals and work-mates.

He should have never given his number

Out to a girl who would snatch his mobile.


The mad, lost ex- is charged for her mobile

Antics.  He won't share his contact number

With dates again, only with fewer mates.