The Womb – Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood – Volume 1 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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His cheeks were as pristine as the snow on the astronomical summit of the mountain; glistening to a perfect golden under brilliantly flamboyant sunlight,


His eyes were as blue as the majestically swirling ocean; darting infinite places in a minute; to savor the newness of this world,


His hair were as soft as silk which flowed in the mesmerizing heavens; culminating into a festoon of mischievous curls; which made him the unprecedented darling of all races,


His palms were as pink as the freshly blossomed lotus; imparting their stupendously immaculate odor; to every gloomy particle in the atmosphere,


His smile was as enchanting as the pearly moonlight; incarcerating even the most belligerently hostile in its impeccable grip,


His eyelashes were as poignant as the vivaciously slapping artists brush; incessantly fluttering in the midst of the stringently monotonous town,


His lips were as sweet as marvelously rejuvenating sticks of sugarcane; remaining a profuse scarlet in every conceivable shade of changing light,


His skin was as flawless as the mothers milk; granting one the tenacity to conquer any aspect of treacherous life; the instant he caressed it,


His feet were as voluptuously spongy as the bed of overwhelmingly fragrant roses; sending shivers round every cranny of the earth as he nimbly transgressed it,


His ears were as rhapsodic as globules of royally cascading honey; insurmountably intrigued by the most tiniest of sound that drifted in space,


His blood was as energetic the tumultuously showering clouds; proliferating into a mist of exuberant excitement every unleashing minute,


His voice was as naturally uninhibited as the morning cuckoo; making people towering towards the sky; bow down to his heavenly grace,


His sweat was as tangy as salt imprisoned in the undulating sea waves; making him the son of every star shimmering in cosmotic space,


His teeth were as fabulously immaculate as the extruding buds of nascent cotton; with which he feasted on dainty chunks of appetizingly seductive cheese,

His stomach was as sacred as the bells ringing emphatically in the celestial temple; rising and falling like a fairy as he inhaled in puffs of exhilarating air,


His tongue was as flirtatious as the cheeky chimpanzee; as he darted it out every now and again; as the worlds most spuriously ostentatious business tycoons; without the slightest of restraint,


His bones were as ebulliently bouncy as the striped giraffe; galloping at a pace which left the fastest of missile behind,


His yawn was as ingratiatingly splendid as creamy dawn; instilling a reinvigorating wave of bliss in maniacally overworked entities,


His breath was as Omnipotent as the most vital signs of life; granting stupendously unfathomable tenacity to every organism who had the slightest of desire to live,


And his heart was as Omnipresent as Almighty God; irrefutably worshipped by every other heart wandering on this Universe; although he had just taken birth as a tiny little living being; a tiny little child to be more precise.