The Womb – Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood – Volume 1 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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There was simply no need for a bicycle; an ostentatious car to maneuver me around,

Till the time I possessed a pair of strong feet; which robustly bore my weight; carried me to all places I desired.


There was simply no need for an angular binocular; an array of telescopic tubes circumventing my persona,

Till the time I had intricate pairs of glistening eyes; which placed me in stupendous ecstasy after sighting the twinkling stars.


There was simply no need for supersonic computer; a host of  modern contrivances aligning my table,

Till the time I had fingers which could emboss beautiful calligraphy on bonded

paper; a brain of my own to use.


There was simply no need for a lifeboat to assist me choppy waters; a cavalcade of ships to ensure my safety,

Till the time muscle bulged from under my shirt; rubicund blood circulated through my veins.


There was simply no need for the mundane ceiling fan; suspended rigidly from the webbed ceiling,

Till the time my body could attune itself to the outside heat; audaciously confront droplets of poignant sweat trickling down my forehead.


There was simply no need for biscuits coated with lascivious honey; chicory

baskets replete with ravishing chocolate,

Till the time I could procure fresh fruits from nature; had an insatiable craving for fresh water in my bowels.


There was simply no need orators preparing and delivering my speech; with me

watching the scenario languishing beside the pool,

Till the time I had incarcerated in my mouth a fleshy tongue; which could swirl rampantly and eloquently speak.


There was simply no need for a mattress of swanky satin; strewn alongwith a

fleet of immaculate white pearls,

Till the time my bones were as solid as a rock; my skull was acclimatized to sleep on the plain stone floor.


There was simply no need for the bombastic shower; nimbly diffusing few droplets of water at a time,

Till the time there existed the country river; compounded with the exuberance in my soul to bathe in it.


And there was simply no need for me to worry; take a plethora of insurmountable tensions on my head,

Till the time there existed; my celestial mother; my loving beloved; and my

sacrosanct God.