The Womb – Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood – Volume 1 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I might have skittishly tossed and turned an unfathomable number of times in my impoverished life; fantastically replenishing every pore of my skin with the most majestically ingratiating of silk,

But it was only in the Omnisciently sacrosanct lap of my mother; that I blissfully closed my eyes to even the most remotest trace of obnoxious alien light; transited into eternally royal sleep.


I might have restlessly fidgeted and simmered an incomprehensible number of times in my destitute life; gloriously finding my way beneath a mountain of rhapsodic raspberry,

But it was only in the perpetually invincible lap of my mother; that I became oblivious to all unbearably manipulative drudgery of this satanic world; found the

most blessedly heavenly of sleep.


I might have uncannily groped and wandered an endless number of times in my diminutive life; engulfing my nimble persona with the most euphorically vibrant of


But it was only in the aristocratically scintillating lap of my mother; that I irrevocably shut my eardrums to all abhorrently pugnacious hostility around me; fed my soul with the bountifully benign mantra of celestial sleep.


I might have irascibly choked and meandered a countless number of times in my feckless life; entrenching my intricate countenance with the finest of spell binding artistry,

But it was only in the effulgently priceless lap of my mother; that I huddled like an unconquerably handsome prince; slept like an angel having descended from

crimson sky; for times immemorial.


I might have preposterously stumbled and trembled an insurmountable number of times in my spurious life; overwhelming every rickety bone of my body with

untamed exuberance,

But it was only in the resplendently Omnipotent lap of my mother; that I wholesomely shrugged even the most ethereal insinuation of disdainful uncertainty;

embraced the cisterns of divine sleep for centuries unprecedented.


I might have inexorably wavered and quavered an indefatigable number of times in my minuscule life; feasting even the most inconspicuous bit of my flesh in the aisles of gorgeously unprecedented luxury,

But it was only in the indomitably pristine lap of my mother; that I uninhibitedly rejoiced far away from the salacious vagaries of this estranged planet; celestially surrendered all my dreariness to mellifluously enchanting sleep.


I might have perniciously sighed and grunted a limitless number of times in my insipid life; submerging all my sinister lacklusterness in the most poignantly undulating sea,

But it was only in the vividly fascinating lap of my mother; that I felt all priceless compassion on this Universe become my unassailable reflection; and my eyes forever rolled in the cradle of unhindered sleep.


I might have miserably simpered and sulked an inconceivable number of times in my mercurial life; inundating my truculently emaciated nostrils with the most divinely rose scent,

But it was only in the sacredly Omnipresent lap of my mother; that I felt reprieve from all traumatized pain and agony; catapulted towards the skies of unendingly

gratifying sleep.


And I might have relentlessly floundered and squatted an unimaginable number of times in my fugitive life; exquisitely designing the most luxurious hammock in

the world to placate my baseless nervousness,

But it was only in the triumphantly godly lap of my mother; that I became a refreshingly discovering child once again; snuggling close to her inimitably

mesmerizing redolence and timelessly slept