The Womb – Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood – Volume 1 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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There was a time when we frivolously hid behind the rocks; gallivanted on golden sands of the beach trying to catch each other,

While at the present moment we were sitting beside the fireplace; snuggling our hands deep inside the blanket. 


There was a time when we experimented with umpteenth items of food in a single day; gulping each meal with gallons of inebriating beer,

While at the present moment we commenced each morning with a plethora of vitamins; relied on crushed fruit juices for nocturnal supper. 


There was a time we spent marathon hours in the sweltering day clambering steep rocks; with our feet bereft of solid footwear,

While at the present moment we thoroughly leaned on our walking sticks for aplomb; were quite content to remain confined to the cozy interiors of our obsolete bedroom. 


There was a time when we used to pummel each other in the ribs; violently pluck each other’s hair in intense indignation,

While at the present moment we hugged each other tightly at the slightest sign of thunder; shivered uncontrollably at hearing the word “crime”. 


There was a time when we bathed under gushing white water streams; flinging our clothes at the tiniest insinuation of rain,

While at the present moment we anxiously waited for supply of fresh water; scrupulously switching on the geyser the night before we took a bath. 


There was a time when we incessantly laughed; remained in boisterous spirits even during unearthly hours of dawn,

While at the present moment we appeared as taciturn as meditating saints; nostalgically reminiscing the events and days of our life. 


There was a time when we used to wear a host of gaudy clothes; swirling uninhibitedly in the aisles of bombastic glamour, flaunting our fair skin as we transgressed the streets,

While at the present moment we were clad heavily in bulky coats and scarves; trying to save our flesh from the most diminutive draught of cold.


There was a time when we didn’t write addresses and phone numbers; priding ourselves in possessing the stupendous ability of remembering them,

While at the present moment we made sure we jotted down the most inconspicuous of detail; the most minuscule of information; so that we didn’t forget it the very next minute. 


There was a time we could sight invisible lettering at far distances; without using any of the visual contrivances,

While at the present moment we found our eyes camouflaged behind abysmally thick glasses; and had to profusely screw our eyes in order to sight even the most magnified of images. 


There was a time when we could snap obdurate sticks of sugarcane into two; with the mere caress of our formidable teeth,

While at the present moment we wore a pair of disdainful braces; thriving on boiled extracts of spongy rice. 


There was a time when we deliberately put the decibel level of the music system to its highest; gyrating passionately under the shimmering moon,

While at the present moment we talked in inaudible whispers; shirking as far as possible from sources of obstreperous sound. 


There was a time when we were entirely dependent on our parents; reverted to them in times of utter distress and tribulation,

While at the present moment we had grandchildren of our own; a battalion of siblings we had procreated in this vast world. 


There was a time when we had just tied the matrimonial thread; with fantasies of unrelenting romance revolving turbulently through our minds,

While at the present moment we lay extremely old and shriveled; waiting to abdicate breath and blend our souls with the Creator.