No astronomically colossal wave in the ocean should ever forget; that it was once upon a time a minuscule stream of frigid water,
No pompously extruding tree in the forests should ever forget; that I was once upon a time an inconspicuously trembling seed,
No flame escalating handsomely towards the sky should ever forget; that it was once upon a time a diminutive flicker emanating from the bedraggled candle wick,
No majestic eagle soaring high in the clouds should ever forget; that it was once upon a time an infinitesimal fledgling whimpering insatiably; at the disappearing of light,
No royally grandiloquent castle should ever forget; that it was once upon a time a profoundly disheveled brick; freshly baked under raw rays of sunlight,
No winner basking in the glory of incredulously earned victory should ever forget; that he was once upon a time shivering in nervous hysteria at the starting point,
No fathomless dungeon impregnated with biscuits of glittering gold should ever forget; that it was once upon a time a obsolete hole; losing its entity each time as the winds blown,
No impregnably towering mountain should ever forget; that it was once upon a time a lump of transient mud; being trampled by every entity transgressing its way,
No boundlessly incomprehensible desert should ever forget; that it was once upon a time a granule of insipid dirt; hovering without a stature of its own; wholesomely solitary in the Universe,
No tumultuously mighty avalanche of ice should ever forget; that it was once upon a time a droplet of water almost freezing to death in the icy winds,
No blissfully blossoming fantasy should ever forget; that it was once upon a time a rustic idea; which kept dwindling infinite times even before it took ephemeral shape,
No profusely embellished skin should ever forget; that it was once upon a time; nakedly fragile; when just born,
No overwhelmingly eloquent tongue should ever forget; that it was once upon a time; babbling worse than a child; while in divinely deep sleep,
No insurmountably thundering echo should ever forget; that it was once upon a time; a disastrously squeaky voice; nimbly caressing the rocks,
No unsurpassably successful businessman should ever forget; that he was once upon a time; a wholesomely ignoramus novice; just starting to learn the tricks of the manipulative trade,
No unbelievably scented lotus should ever forget; that it was once upon a time; a tiny bud extruding from mammoth chunks of dirt all around,
No entity celestially married should ever forget; that it was once upon a time; philandering like a mosquito to manifest its romance into reality,
No invincibly powerful organism on this earth should ever forget; that it was once upon a time withheld by the Lord; in the realms of mesmerizing heaven,
And no Human; possessing even the most Herculean strength on this planet should ever forget; that once upon a time he was an uninhibitedly crying child; trying to hide deeper and deeper inside the chest of his sacrosanct mother.