The Womb – Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood – Volume 2 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Businessmen; astoundingly manipulating even the most infinitesimal nuances of trade; handsomely seated on

the absolute zeniths of corporate victories,


Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Magicians; possessing the unbelievable ability of transforming even the most tawdrily decrepit piece of junk; into unconquerably glittering gold,


Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Politicians; dexterously governing the pragmatic lives of countless million people; right at their surreptitiously slippery fingertips,


Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Warriors; altruistically shedding even the last bone of their spines for the service of their venerated motherland; whilst wholesomely capturing every element of the devil in mind; body and spirit,


Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Devils; the most despicably hedonistic curmudgeons of insanity; satanically massacring every thing that they encountered in vicinity; without the tiniest reason or rhyme,


Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Astrologers; amazingly able to portend even the most obfuscated of happenings to unfurl; centuries later than this very vivaciously breathing day; today,


Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Philosophers; holding boundless organisms in an unimaginably spell-bound stupor; as they indefatigably

sermonized the ideals of exhilarating existence and ultimate death,


Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Gamblers; where an infinite currency coin first slipped from their palms like ecstatically melting; before astutely multiplying itself into fathomless more of its very own kind,


Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Musicians; timelessly rekindling even the most lugubriously livid parchment of the atmosphere; with victoriously unfettered rhapsody,


Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Sportsmen; majestically recoining the definition of whichever game that they played; perpetually ensuring their place in the most spectacularly emollient of legend books,


Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Pioneers; evolving an inexhaustibly fructifying revolution; out of inanely dying wisps of battered nothingness,

Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Dancers; flexing even the most obsolete crannies of their bodies to myriad colors; shapes and forms; timelessly

bewitching the atmosphere of even the most monotonously deadened of night,


Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Fantasizers; perennially galloping in the full fervor of life in those inscrutably tingling spaces; which were beyond the definitions of infinite infinity,


Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Swimmers; profoundly enjoying it only when there was the most truculently devastating storm at sea; when waves as ferociously tall as the sky; intransigently whipped them on every part of their naked form,


Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Street-Smarts; deplorably spitting an ocean of deplorable slang; at even the most non-receptively robotic bits of concrete in the gutter can,


Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Robbers; wholesomely dumbfounding the law on every conceivable occasion; stupefying millions of true soldiers with the parasitically profane treachery in their glib heels,


Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Philanderers; flirting with an infinite women at one given moment; almost proclaiming themselves to have given birth to the entire of the limitless living kind,


Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Devotees; selflessly beheading the most intriguing of their scalps at the feet of the Almighty Lord; at the slightest of innuendo,


Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Wrestlers; indefatigably overpowering every element of perceivable weakness in the Universe; with the sheer and most ardent tenacity of their robustly bulging muscle,


Whilst I introduced myself as a hopelessly devastated and irretrievable  loser in every commercial aspect of life; but nevertheless and solely as the “Son” of my unconquerably Omnipotent and eternally compassionate mother.