The Womb – Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood – Volume 2 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I still profoundly remember those moments when we had first met; with your eyelashes fervently fluttering in untamed exhilaration; under golden rays of the midday Sun,

And today you sat like a silken princess beside me; with our new born daughter cuddled compassionately in your palms; as you bounced her euphorically towards

the mystical clouds; every now and again.


I still ardently remember those moments when we had first met; with an unfathomable myriad of emotions stifled a trifle in your throat; as you nervously

groped for the right words to begin,

And today you stared into the whites of my eyes like the ultimate angel of my life; with our new born daughter poignantly suckling milk from your impeccable chest; as you perpetually tightened your grip; upon my impoverished palms.


I still fondly remember those moments when we had first met; with the beats of your heart throbbing more vociferously than insatiable thunderbolts of lightening in crimson sky; as you tried to sagaciously discern every element of my diminutive countenance,

And today you embraced me more impregnably than the heavens could every embrace the clouds; with our new born daughter marvelously relishing your Godly touch; as you resolved to be only mine; for a countless more lifetimes.


I still ecstatically remember those moments when we had first met; with an air of stupendously supreme consciousness; triggering you to adjust the parting of

your mesmerizing hair; with even the most inconspicuous draught of air,

And today you miraculously bestowed a river of unfathomable newness upon my every disastrously traumatized nerve; with our new born daughter mischievously poking her immaculate fingers into your nose; as you kissed me like a tantalizing seductress on my cheeks.


I still eternally remember those moments when we had first met; with your ingratiating form timelessly eluding me; as you surreptitiously tried to camouflage

your shivering form behind the undulating hills,

And today your ravishing hair blew perennially across the contours of my despicably languishing face; with our new born daughter blissfully sleep in your heavenly palms; as you poignantly assimilated even the most infinitesimal desire of my soul; in the

ever-pervading streams of your scarlet blood.


I still fervently remember those moments when we had first met; with an unsurpassable sky of goose-bumps; creeping in inexplicable excitement upon every pore of your celestial skin,

And today your enamoring lips had forever interlocked with mine; with our new born daughter innocuously wailing in your majestic ears; as your even the remotest trace of your shadow blended with mine; for centuries immemorial.


I still passionately remember those moments when we had first met; with torrential showers of rain pelting from the sky; propelling you to shiver in uncontrollable excitement; as you regally awaited my advancing footsteps,

And today even the slightest of your gaze had taken invincible control over my heart; soul and conscience; with our new born daughter flirtatiously frolicking at your divinely feet; as you made me feel the richest organism ever alive; on the trajectory

of this gigantic Universe.


I still piquantly remember those moments when we had first met; with your sensuously fulminating eyes; hardly mustering the courage to witness even the most

obfuscated of my reflection,

And today you unassailably signed every beat of my romantically throbbing heart with the immortal signature of love; with our new born daughter snuggling deeper and deeper into your comforting bosom; as you became the only reason for my holistic



I still proudly remember those moments when we had first met; with your words of inarticulately melodious introduction; seeming to me like the most fascinating

sounds on this mammoth planet,

And today you enshrouded me from all sides with your aura of Omnipresent righteousness; with our new born daughter making us feel greater than the greatest of

Gods every unfurling minute; as you impregnably intermingled each of your breath; with mine.