The Womb – Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood – Volume 2 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I had been ardently yearning for this moment as much as fathomless fields of barren grass; passionately yearn for rain,

And today her beautifully soft palms were entwined in heavenly unison with my chest; as she astoundinglystartled me with her bountifully sporadic winking.


I had been intransigently desiring this moment; as much as the unfathomably mystical forests; perennially desire resplendent fruit,

And today her celestially innocuous eyes reflected the Omnipotent charisma of the entire Universe in my face; as she gorgeously emanated her very first cry of survival.


I had been tumultuously craving for this moment; as much as the patriotically blazing soldiers crave for; irrefutably scintillating triumph,

And today her mischievous shock of ravishing hair; eternally caressed my

ebulliently tear soaked cheeks.


I had been intractably perceiving this moment; as much as the Gods in the cosmos indefatigably perceive; harmoniously symbiotic brotherhood on even the most

remote quarter of this Universe,

And today her divinely diminutive feet rhapsodically kicked my chin; with each profoundly pronounced line on her majestic palms; euphorically chiseling the

remainder of my penurious life.


I had been irrevocably fantasizing about this moment; as much as the profusely scarlet roses fantasize about being regally kissed; by the voluptuously

silken clouds,

And today her innocuously rubicund lips smiled uninhibitedly at me; putting my unsurpassable ocean of worries and anguish; to a perpetual rest.


I had been indefatigably wanting this moment; as much as   dolorous solitariness wanted to be handsomely perpetuated; by a resplendently twinkling fountain of

enchanting sounds,

And today her ingratiatingly sacrosanct forehead rested blissfully in my outstretched hands; as she beautifully suckled my little finger in her Godly mouth.


I had been unrelentingly cognizing this moment; as much as the freshly sown seeds incessantly cognized about being aristocratically drenched; by torrential tumblers of sparkling rain,

And today her immaculately Omniscient skin bestowed upon me not only the strength to rise from my veritable grave; but unflinchingly exist for infinite

more births yet to unveil.


I had been fanatically waiting for this moment; as much as the disheveled orphans on the street optimistically waited; to be embraced by cisterns of unparalleled caring,

And today her impeccable large ears flapped in queenly tandem against my fingertips; as she incoherently whispered the magical mantra of life to my; baselessly

wandering soul.


And I had been immortally anticipating this moment; as much as gruesomely hapless darkness in the dungeons; perennially anticipate vibrant beams of vivaciously

unflinching light,

And today her impregnably minuscule heart throbbed more vibrantly than the chapter of existence near my neck; with the blood running in her sacred veins the

same as mine; as she was none other than my newly born daughter; kavya.