The Womb – Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood – Volume 2 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Enough has been said and appreciated about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the walls of this dwelling; would never have been able to

bear the onslaught of the vengefully greedy and rigid society,


Enough has been said and admired about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the children of this dwelling; would never have been able

to sleep all blissful night; in the cozy delights of the opulently silken quilt,


Enough has been said and preached about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the rooms of this dwelling; would never have been embedded

with luxurious luminosity; which all members profoundly relished all their lifetime,


Enough has been said and saluted about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the driveways of this dwelling; would never have been deluged with bountiful prosperity; which celestially circulated through the hearts of one and

all; alike,


Enough has been said and patronized about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the commercial ambitions of all; would never have been so

sumptuously placated; imparting them with a chance to embrace even the most bizarrely remote of their dreams,


Enough has been said and advocated about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; sagacious knowledge of this Universe; would never have entered this dwelling; with the mantra of ignorance is bliss; being the only jargon till eternity,


Enough has been said and idolized about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the infants of this dwelling; would never have been able to get the most majestic education; miserably buckling under the whirlwind of poverty and insanity,


Enough has been said and prayed about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the boundaries of this dwelling; would never have been able to bear; the acrimoniously appalling abuse of the uncouth society outside,


Enough has been said and highlighted about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the floors of this dwelling; would never have been able to

so handsomely withhold; the unfathomable demands of pampered brats around,


Enough has been said and idolized about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the winds of this dwelling; would never have been so royally subjected; to an unsurpassable fortress of flamboyantly dynamic exuberance; perennially diffusing from your stride,


Enough has been said and talked about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the regal grandiloquence of this dwelling; would never have remained so invincible; with the parasitic world outside insatiably longing to devastate each of its brick,


Enough has been said and revered about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the flowers of this dwelling; would never have bloomed so radiantly; with all inevitably busy in their own conquests; failing to water them so magnificently as you did unflinchingly each day; with the Sun transcending over the rosy horizons,


Enough has been said and symbolized about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the clothes of this dwelling; would have never been so

immaculately spotless; with the ruthless planet outside fervently waiting to

envelop them in bloodbaths of abhorrent war,


Enough has been said and cherished about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the plates of this dwelling; would never have been so aristocratically replenished; with the ungainly famished earth outside unsparingly commencing its vicious atrocity; upon our obliviously innocent blood,


Enough has been said and sung about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the sweat in this dwelling; would never have glistened in such extraordinarily timeless perseverance; with all invidiously lazing without realizing the actual value of life,


Enough has been said and cheered about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the enthusiasm in this dwelling; would never have been so ebulliently prolific; with the worthlessness in the air outside; being simply no match for your exhilaratingly vivacious flair; to win over the entire planet,


Enough has been said and celebrated about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the picturesque timelessness of this dwelling; would never have been so magnificently unassailable; with every lecherous organism who tried to trespass it; sinking only more and more deeper into his ultimate grave,


Enough has been said and embellished about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the breaths of all those in this dwelling; would never

have flowed so uninhibitedly; feeling perpetually free even against the most mightiest of impediment that came its way,


Enough has been said and immortalized about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the hearts of all in this dwelling; would never have

throbbed with such unconquerably unending passion; as and when your charismatic voice blazed forever and ever and ever; way above the dormitory of

despairing death.