The Womb – Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood – Volume 2 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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We welcome you with tears of unprecedented empathy in our eyes; wishing you tumultuous luck and success in your future life to unveil,


We welcome you with ardor in our rubicund tongues; blessing you with sacrosanct hymns that diffused from our mouths,


We welcome you with the blistering intensity in our blood; earnestly wanting you to rise to the most astronomical limits in your life,


We welcome you with the passion profusely embedded in our bones; insatiably desire that you keep living blissfully without the slightest of scratch to your scalp,


We welcome you with uninhibited love in our hearts; ardently wanting to wholesomely blend your beats with ours,


We welcome you with our open arms open like the colossal sky; imparting your persona with all the love that we could ever savor or salvage on the circumference of this planet,


We welcome you with profound feelings lingering deep down our soul; fighting till our last breath to wade away even the most tiniest shadow of evil from around your impeccable demeanor,


We welcome you with compassionate smiles engulfing our lips; deluging your future with bountiful spurts of laughter,


We welcome you with overwhelming exuberance in our minds; with an inexorable propensity to enlighten every moment of your life to unveil,


We welcome you with fathomless gifts sandwiched in our palms; hoisting you up and down in the air; umpteenth number of times,


We welcome you with unprecedented mysticism in our voices; blessing you by singing all the divinely prayers we had imbibed till the present time,


We welcome you with clusters of silken sheets and pillows on the floor; an insurmountable yearning in our pulse to make you feel wholesomely at home,


We welcome you with a festoon of ingratiatingly scented flowers in our fists; showering them delectably over the innocuous contours of your new born face,


We welcome you with a profusely enamoring charm in our visage; tickling you playfully in your softly molded ribs,


We welcome you with boundlessly effusive feeling in our chests; casting on your quota of good luck on your spell binding and heavenly form,


We welcome you with the spirit of magnanimous sacrifice embodied in our philanthropic bodies; supporting and propelling you to move forward with all the power we possessed in our entity, 


We welcome you with a nostalgic longing in our countenance; transporting ourselves way back into innocent childhood; cuddling you indefatigably in our palms,


We welcome you with all the warmth that we had amalgamated in the tenure of our short lives; disseminating it benevolently for your's as well as the prosperous growth of; several other children of your kind,


And in return to all this we don’t want even the slightest of favor from your side; our only request to you is to call us "Mother" just once perhaps in your entire lifetime; making us more happy than God could ever have been; making us forget that we could never ever have our own blood; an entity whom we could address as our very own child.