The Womb – Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood – Volume 2 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Neither could I relinquish your impeccable memories from the whites of my eye; forgetting you for times immemorial,

Nor could I allow anyone else to be the perpetual queen of my eyelashes; except for her majestically mesmerizing countenance.


Neither could I pulverize my rubicund lips; given to me by you after countless hours of enduring turmoil,

Nor could I allow anyone else to be their ravishing smile; except for her

impeccably floating gorgeous shadow.


Neither could I char all those enchanting fantasies; which you had wonderfully nourished me to witness,

Nor could I allow anyone else to be the divinely mediator of mind; except for

her tantalizingly alluring voice.


Neither could I brutally abdicate your innocuously heavenly caress; that transited me every night into realms of invincible sleep,

Nor could I allow anyone else to touch me even the slightest; except for the profuse enigma that circumvented her intriguing soul.


Neither could I disobey your unfathomable battalion of benevolent commands; disgruntling the slightest before your revered grace,

Nor could I allow anyone else to enslave me; except for her magnanimously romantic aura; that blended royally with the stars in blue sky.


Neither could I change the color you’d imparted to my skin; harnessing me with scarlet streams of your very own poignant blood,

Nor could I allow anyone else to be the rhapsodic excitement of my flesh; except for her unbelievably voluptuous body; which ignite fireballs of passion in the heart of the dead night.


Neither could I savagely exonerate the mystical language; which you’d unrelentingly taught me since nascent years of immaculate childhood,

Nor could I allow anyone else to be the words of my tongue; except for her philanthropic persona; which insatiably craved to embrace all humanity.


Neither could I lead my life without your irrefutably sacred charm; propelling me each instant to be handsomely alive,

Nor could I allow anyone else to be the breath in my lungs; the passionately throbbing beats of my heart; except for her immortally augmenting flame of love.


For on one hand you were the Godly mother who gave me birth in the first place; nourishing me with your mind; body and blood; while on the other; she was the

wife who ensured that I was today; blissfully breathing each of my dreams and unconquerably alive