The Womb – Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood – Volume 2 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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There was nothing ever born on this fathomlessly majestic Universe; which was as altruistically blissful; as her unconquerably venerated lap,


There was nothing ever born on this limitlessly inscrutable Universe; which was as peerlessly invincible; as her compassionately infallible embrace,


There was nothing ever born on this unfathomably reinvigorating Universe; which was as freshening; as her philanthropically Omniscient smile,


There was nothing ever born on this countlessly endowing Universe; which was as pristinely emphatic; as the whites of her royally twinkling eyes,


There was nothing ever born on this unbelievably emollient Universe; which was as pricelessly insuperable; as her perpetually caring innocuousness,


There was nothing ever born on this stupendously endless Universe; which was as magically livening; as her impregnably poignant caress,


There was nothing ever born on this gloriously undaunted Universe; which was as benevolently burgeoning; as her timelessly blessing fantasy,


There was nothing ever born on this tirelessly proliferating Universe; which was as unflinchingly divine; as her wonderfully symbiotic friendship,


There was nothing ever born on this mystically triumphant Universe; which was as vibrantly undefeated; as her Omnipotently inherent charisma,


There was nothing ever born on this synergistically unceasing Universe; which was as harmoniously fragrant; as her immaculately perennial lap,


There was nothing ever born on this fantastically inexhaustible Universe; which was as redolently effulgent; as her inimitably bonding swirl,


There was nothing ever born on this vividly panoramic Universe; which was as exhilaratingly innovative; as her indefinably subliming and magnanimous newness,


There was nothing ever born on this jubilantly ecstatic Universe; which was as gloriously mitigating; as her unshakably humanitarian and spell bindingly united camaraderie,


There was nothing ever born on this unlimitedly procreating Universe; which was as bountifully enamoring; as her peerlessly indefatigable spirit to fight the frigidly asphyxiating devil,


There was nothing ever born on this eclectically fabulous Universe; which was as unstoppably Samaritan; as her eternally blessed footsteps,


There was nothing ever born on this insurmountably fecund Universe; which was as symbiotically acclimatizing; as her Omnipresently untainted countenance,


There was nothing ever born on this euphorically serene Universe; which was as mellifluously mollifying; as her regally unmatched and astoundingly fertile voice,


There was nothing ever born on this holistically unprecedented Universe; which was as perpetually ardent; as her victoriously resplendent spirit of unfettered belonging,


And irrespective of whatever form and condition that she existed in; whether the disdainfully egregious gutter pipe; or  a castle embellished with the costliest of jewels; whether infinite feet beneath the graveyard or in a land above unshakable paradise; whether as an infinitesimally intangible ant; or in the form of an undauntingly superior human being,


Every cranny of the earth; cosmos and beyond; including the Greatest of God’s will forever salute her indomitable tenacity to protect her child against each devil of hell; will forever salute her as a heavenly mother