The Womb – Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood – Volume 2 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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A dynamite of blazing optimism as the steps tread resolutely upon hapless floor ,


Majestic bristles of grey engulfing a handsomely robust jawline ,


Raw bundle of energy compounded with fearless streaks of adventure to clamber the



An unparalleled commitment to each project undertaken ; to take it to an honest

success ,


A desire to excel in whatever stage life offered ; without the tiniest of enviousness

towards others who were better off ,


Thorough professionalism which never got office work to home ; relishing the verdant landscapes of the lawn with a rejuvenating stroll,


A flamboyant charmer with unmatched talking skills ; that converted the most dogmatic No  into a mesmerizing Yes ,


Sheer astuteness compounded with an unbiased desire to make it independently ;

evolving a lavish civilization from threadbare scratch,


Rustic truth which earned hostile foes at occasions more than friends ; but which

culminated into royally satisfying victory at the end ,


Profound love for the environment and wildlife ; flourishing with mother nature in its lap ; without asserting the slightest of spurious power or might ,


A loyalty to spouse whose examples were cited to household’s in strife ; as an

outstanding human saga of real life conviction , faith , understanding and forbearance ,


Hailed as the Supremo of Denim in our very own Manchester of Textiles; Ahmedabad ,


Most importantly a faith in God and his holy messengers which gave him his own

inimitable position on mortal earth ; as he happily jostled in his freshly constructed

Kingsized farmhouse ,


The man turns 59 years today by the grace of God .


And though I have no regrets of not following his marketing prowess and write Poetry instead . I am still proud to have him as my Father .


Here’s wishing you Daddy a Happy Birthday for today , this gloriously enthralling 25th July , 2009