Clouds signalled the rains,
The winds blew away the clouds,
The sun to us smiled,
Nights married the sun,
All together the morning was born,
Swiftly the day became bright,
In our clouds we set the light.
Sprinters all over are set,
To begin the race they came,
All together in suspense we wondered,
Tickling, our clocks were set,
Such a race we loved to watch,
What a start it all began.
Sprinters raced the lanes,
Waves on the field began to fly,
Our hearts ached in suspense,
In pains a knight fell,
With fears the birds trembled,
A star from the sky fell,
Such a blue moon we seldom saw,
Cries down our eyes greeted our cheeks.
A ray of hope arose,
A little seed began to grow,
The knight sighed a relief,
All along the crowds did wonder,
Such a light fell upon the knight,
Like a magic it all seemed,
As the fall turned a rise.
Swiftly on his feet he arose,
To our amazement he rejoined the race,
Such a wonder blew away tears,
A light sped along the lanes,
The knight soon became a light,
Racing past the rest,
The race was ended.
In joy he was praised,
Smiling he embraced loving cheers,
A great prize to him we presented,
Loving hearts clapped our knight,
To us a goodbye he waved,
Such a rare one we would miss,
Bye to a great knight,
Past falls now interred,
Forever we are lifted.