What Goes On In My Head by Festus Obehi Destiny - HTML preview

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i wonder if it makes you sleep better at night

does it make your pillow softer when you drool?

you would rather critique the colour of the paint than face the wall itself

we critique the taste of the food but not the chef

why do we seek distraction when we are in pain?

the online world


a fleeting torch in meandering darkness

pool in a desert

a facade

your tongue tastes sweeter this way

it does not burn from the protests on the other side of the world

it does not scrunch at the burning flags of freedom

knees on our necks, but we would better turn away our eyes than face our oppressors

does it make you sleep better at night knowing that distractions keeps you going throughout the day

we all know that justice is free, but not for the likes of us

i wonder what walls would crumble when the drugs fade

what temple will keep reality's scrunching pawns from tearing our private parts and eating it in oil soup.


before that happens, let us go on Instagram and hide our reality behind vines

Festus Obehi Destiny
