Who's Kidding Who? by Christine Stromberg - HTML preview

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When your legs behave like jelly and your body feels like lead;

when your hands won't do things properly and fog infests your head;

when you want to go out dancing but you have to sleep instead

and your life consists of getting up and going back to bed;


When your home is like a prison and you're under house arrest,

when you rarely see your family or any other guest

then it's really not surprising if you sometimes get depressed

and it's too much of an effort eating, washing, getting dressed.


And when you get a visitor it's quite a big event,

like celebrating Easter after fasting all of Lent;

you give it all you've got until your energy is spent

then it's back to being boring to a very large extent.


So spare a thought for folk like us who slog it out alone,

who only contact others or the web or on the phone;

our lives can be quite difficult though we don't like to moan,

and occasionally tears will fall though mostly unbeknown.


Like a cactus in the desert, life has forced us to be tough;

the strength that keeps us going comes from having it quite rough

but underneath the prickles or what seems to others gruff

lies a soft and tender heart that often feels it's had enough.


© Aug 2004