Who's Kidding Who? by Christine Stromberg - HTML preview

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M.E. and ME



I'm living with an illness of uncertain etymology,

a fancy way of saying that they don't know what it is.


It's known by many names but it's a Cinderella thing,

hidden from the gaze of the public at large.


Thousands live this way but they're often overlooked;

too ill to leave the house how can they be seen?


Doctors, in their ignorance, fail to recognise

that our quality of life is phenomenally low.


No drugs exist to help us, no research makes the headlines,

there's little money spent and the findings are diverse


but then they have the gall to suggest that we're depressed!

I'd like to see them live this way and stay on top of things.


We sit or we lie while the world moves on without us,

watching from the sidelines instead of taking part


Year after weary year, waiting for an answer.

When will Prince Charming come to our aid?


© 2004