Who's Kidding Who? by Christine Stromberg - HTML preview

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Little Tablets


Little tablets on the bedside, little tablets made of ticky tacky

little tablets, little tablets, and they all go down the same,

theres a pink one and a green one and blue one and a yellow one

and they all come in little boxes and they all look very tame.


And the tablets in the boxes all give us some side effects

but the doctors still prescribe them and we take them just the same

And the people dont imagine that tablets might do them harm

so they swallow all the tablets and they know theyre not to blame.


© May 2014



Fighting For Food


I fight with the fridge to open the door

I fight with wrapping and packets galore.

Its all for my health and safety of course

as I break my nails and shout myself hoarse.

I dont know who invents this stuff

that makes my life frustratingly tough.

It only adds to my dejection.

Do we need so much protection?


© June 2014



I Want My Body Back


Someone stole my body; its really most remiss.

They took away the one I had, replacing it with this.

Please, I want my body back, I want my body back!


The one I had could walk for miles and running was a cinch.

This one barely moves at all, inch by painful inch.

Please, I want my body back, I want my body back!


Mine was slim and firm and lithe, it loved to dance all night.

This ones twice the size of mine, a doughball, soft and white.

Please, I want my body back, I want my body back!


I used to have such healthy skin. Id show it off with pride.

This substitute is spotty - a thing I cant abide.

Please, I want my body back, I want my body back!


Just look at it: the dimpled thighs, the sagging breasts and butt,

the bingo wings, the flabby skin, the elephantine gut!

Please, I want my body back, I want my body back!


I really am not happy with the one Im wearing now.

The former Running Deer has been replaced by Sitting Cow!

Please, I want my body back, I want my body back!


If anyone can tell me who took away my body

please let me know, Id like it back, even if its shoddy.

Please, I want my body back, I want my body back!

© July 2014