You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 10 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Doesn’t matter if you didn’t astoundingly conquer; catapult to the ultimate summits of victory since the very first cry of mesmerizing birth,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t alleviate all miserably dithering and traumatized humanity; with your spell bindingly Omniscient touch,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t remove even the most inconspicuous ingredient of dirt from the complexion of this enchanting planet; made it bereft of all manipulation in the tenure of your destined lifetime,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t ubiquitously rule like an unassailable king; unfathomably transcending above the realms of eternally gratifying prosperity for centuries immemorial,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t parade like the ultimate of gods every dawn; smilingly confronting even the most ghastliest of impediment that dared come your way,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t sing as melodiously as the voluptuous crested nightingale; majestically pacifying even the most truculently lambasted destitute; with the Omnipotent ardor in your rejuvenating voice,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t tower like an unsurpassably inimitable mountain; sequestering every innocent life alike; in the compassionate warmth of

your magnanimously bestowing belly,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t fulminate into sparkling freshness every unfurling minute of the night and day; pathetically dribbled into painstakingly obnoxious perspiration instead,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t smell like the insurmountably unending garden of scarlet rose; becoming the eternally everlasting enchantment of every; bizarrely famished eye,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t gyrate every bone of your countenance to the beats of vivaciously resplendent nature; chose to solitarily fret in the corridors of your disconcerting study room instead,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t emulate every personality you met with incredulous dexterity; fomented hordes of orphaned children to break out into unstoppable

laughter; with the unparalleled charisma in your personality,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t dress like an aristocratic prince each morning; lugubriously trespassed the squalidly empty streets enveloped in disdainfully tottered rags instead,


Doesn’t matte if you didn’t philander in the most swankiest of mercedes; stupefying every entity you transgressed with the sanctimonious superfluous river of your extraordinarily overwhelming wealth,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t unequivocally reveal the inner most of your emotions; amiably blending your heart and soul with every fraternity of humanity; alike,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t descend barechested upon the indiscriminately cold-blooded battlefield; magnificently displayed your flamboyantly sizzling heroics to all nubile maidens watching fervently in vicinity,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t program every cranny of your brain to astronomical ingeniousness; evolve into a commendable festoon of versatile discovery as each

instant unleashed into a wholesome minute,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t float like a tantalizingly raunchy seductress; alluring even the most asphyxiatingly alien in your gorgeously magnetic swirl,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t radiate shades of perennially robust crimson from your impeccable cheeks; blossoming into an entrenchment of celestial health; even as the most acrimoniously treacherous winds swept you like insipid matchsticks from your



Doesn’t matter if you didn’t sink in duly revered obeisance at every idol of clay that you encountered in your way; supernaturally believing that every shape embossed in soil was the Omnipotently sacrosanct portrait of Almighty God,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t breathe untamed passion from your nostrils; igniting even the most drearily lackadaisical speck of the atmosphere; with the Herculean tenacity in your tireless stride,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t act according to the wishes of the conventionally sardonic society; paving a path of scintillating righteousness on your very own,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t enshroud every iota of your immaculate conscience with the infernos of unshakable truth; inadvertently erred umpteenth number of times in

a single day; instead,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t function like  robotic machine all throughout your life; at times entirely yielding to even the most silliest of emotions that confronted you in your way,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t deliver aristocratic speeches everytime you spoke; irrefutably agglutinating the populace of this gigantic planet towards the ingratiating passion in your blessed aura,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t transit back into realms of innocuous childhood every now and again; shrugging penalizingly nonchalant monotony forever away from

even the most remote of your shadows,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t erect palaces of perpetually shimmering gold and silver on every path that you tread; existed in a rudimentary hutment inhabited by gory crabs; the whole of your life instead,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t know the holistic mantra to wade away all diabolical evil; bountifully consecrate every leaf of this savagely anguished planet with the symbiotically heavenly tonic of humanity,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t march audaciously ahead; not even faltering the slightest; even as torturous hell rained indefatigably rained from the sky outside,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t artistically inundate every patch of the barren canvas with poignant traces of vibrantly unending imagery; inhale every draught of a wind as an embellished artist the every second of your life,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t shrewdly manipulate the pros and cons of everything on this Universe before attempting it; impulsively plunged into the valley of desire at the most subtle insinuation of your soul,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t keep studying till the very last moment of your life; proudly inundating the dormitories of your cupboard as well as the lap of your parents; with an insurmountable reservoir of degrees and gold medals,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t prolifically burgeon into a paradise of passionate sensitivity; euphorically absorbing and reacting to even the most parsimonious

of vacillations in the atmosphere,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t tenaciously swim against the stormy waves of the undulating ocean; fetch the garland of pristine pearls from the rock bottom within

a single wink of the eye and wholesomely blindfolded,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t incessantly shower the blessings of jubilant happiness upon all organisms on this gargantuan planet; deluge every perniciously bereaved heart with the elixir of vibrantly vivid life,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t synergistically interact with countless elements of the world outside; spent your life in the entrenchment of brazenly self-conceived fantasy; instead,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t sleep all ravishingly titillating night; incorrigibly preferred to doze under brilliant beams of sunlight and when the globe functioned to Herculean capacity outside; instead,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t walk barefoot towards the epitome of the scintillating mountain; when all your other counterparts preferred to reach the same in

the royal aircraft; instead,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t salute the sky; the grave; the different religions on this bountiful planet; but chose to be the harbinger of fathomlessly fascinating mankind till the time you lived; instead,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t bathe under the artificially simmering taps; but profusely drenched every pore of your trembling body under the primordial waterfalls of glorious nature; instead,


Doesn’t matter if you didn’t agree with the philosophies of any entity on this colossal planet; endlessly kept worshipping the cradle of unbreakable humanity; instead,


But it does definitely matter if you didn’t uninhibitedly unveil the chords of your passionately thundering heart; it does definitely matter if you took birth alone and died alone on this planet; it does definitely matter if you didn’t proliferate God’s

chapter of sacred creation; it does definitely matter if you didn’t romance with the magical sensuousness of creation all your life; O! yes it does definitely matter if you didn’t fall into the valley of immortal love .